2015년 교내 영어에세이 쓰기 대회 대상작: 2학년 정석원 |
작성자 | 이승은 | 등록일 | 15.11.03 | 조회수 | 1338 |
The reasons teenagers are joining ISIS and the methods to stop them 2학년 정석원 Isis is committing many acts that are worrying the global community. Such as destroying cultural heritage and legalizing slavery. However, the most worrying is that there is a continuous stream of teenagers trying to join the ISIS, Even though they know about it’s brutality. There are many reasons for this, but I believe that there are three main reasons. The discrimination against islamic immigrants, the rise in the number of young unemployed and characteristics of muslims. First, discrimination against islamic immigrants is causing them to join the ISIS. There are many islamic immigrants in western countries. Most of the immigrants in Australia are from Indonesia and Malaysia, both of them are islamic nations. Also in Europe, there are many muslims who immigrated from the past colonies of European nations. Although many of these immigrants have been in western countries for generations they are still very much prosecuted by their white neighbors and they have maintained a low state of life. The anger caused by this would make them return to islamic nations and retaliate to those who have wronged them. Especially teenage descendants of immigrants who are discriminated, even though they were born in European countries. So, in this case the solution is simple. People must accept islamic immigrants as part of their society and help them get out of the state of poverty they are in by giving then the same opportunity as others to study and have occupations. Second, the rise in the numbers of young unemployed. Because of the recession in the global economy many young people can’t find jobs. However the ISIS is promising them high wages, cars, houses and even slaves for all those who join them. This is causing young unemployed non-muslims to change their religion and join ISIS. The Korean, Kim, who joined the ISIS, decided to join it only after throughly checking the pay it offered to foreign mercenaries In this case, there is no other basic solution then to decrease the numbers of young unemployed and to provide those who can’t find work sufficient monetary aid to maintain a humane state of life. Third, the characteristics of muslims. Muslims are very religious people. More religious than any other people around the globe. They strictly abide their Coran and fiercely believe their prophet Muhammad and their god. Even Turkey, which has worked very hard to be less religious by banning islamic clothes in public places and granting religious freedom to its citizens, is still extremely religious. And this is more prominent in the young. There was a fight in a university at Istanbul between groups of students about whether they should join the ISIS or not. Also books about Jihad(Islamic holy war) and islamic terrorists are one of the most popular books among young people. To solve this problem the economic state of average muslims must be increased. The more the people enjoy a plentiful, educated lives they become less absorbed in religion. Which is the case in western countries. In the past they also acted like ISIS, marching to the near-east in crusades and killing every muslim they could find, be it men, women or children. It is the same in oil rich countries such as Saudi-Arabia and UAE. In conclusion, the reasons the teenagers are going ISIS is the discrimination against muslim immigrants, rise in numbers of young unemployed and the characteristics of muslims. To solve this problem, muslims must be accepted as a part of the society and countries should provide their young citizens with jobs and help the economic development of Islamic nations. If this is all done, I truly believe that we can stop teenagers from joining ISIS, ensuring better life for them and many others around the world.
이전글 | 국제바이오현미경사진전 수상기념 수기(2학년 권승주, 이요섭, 정구현) |
다음글 | 선배들의 입시지도: 서울대 의예과 파헤치기(학교신문 인터뷰 전체본) |