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2015 English Summer Camp Teaching Position Announcement
작성자 김지연 등록일 15.05.13 조회수 362

Our school is looking for a diligent and responsible native English teachers. The conditions are below. Please apply by May 22th.



1. Summer English Camp.

2. We need 2 teachers

3. Conditions

(1) Must have English teaching degree or be a native speaker.

(2) Must have good education philosophy least 1year teaching experience.

(3) Must pass criminal record check

(4) Must follow working regulations.

4. Camp schedule July 27th(Mon) July 31st(Fri) 5days

이전글 제1기 국세청 어린이 기자단 모집 공고문
다음글 2015학년도 여름방학영어체험교실 강사 채용 공고