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6과 Grammar Practice Answer
작성자 최수정 등록일 22.10.06 조회수 43

Grammar Practice 1 Answer


1. made, do

2. made, eat

3. lets, watch

4. let, leave

5. had, take


1. I let my best friend ride my bike.

2. The teacher made us keep a diary.

3. The bus driver made me get off the bus.

4. Did your parents let you go out with your friends?


set the table, eat the nuts, dance, play the guitar faster

Grammar Practice 2 Answer


1. too sleepy to finish

2. too angry to say

3. too young to solve

4. too late to catch

5. too weak to run


1. to ride, too young

2. to pick

3. too tired

이전글 5과, 6과 형성평가
다음글 A반 6과 문법 학습자료