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1820 임경택 사이버 토론대회
작성자 임경택 등록일 16.10.21 조회수 207

I agree with animal experiment. Animal experiments is natural. Animal sacrifice is a sad,

But that it can save a lot of people through experiments it is a reason to proceed with the experiments animals. So far, has been experiment and we develop vaccines and treatments.

The reason is similar to the respiratory system, digestive system of humans and animals.  So higher probability of test success. Also through these experiment to be approve because it was the development of our life sciences. Of course, the animal experiments can not be rationalized. However, animal experiments must assert it is useful to humans. Thank you.

이전글 1809 백건우 반기문 인재육성 사이버 토론대회 (6)
다음글 2919이민효사이버토론대회 (8)