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작성자 이민효 등록일 16.10.21 조회수 225

I agree with that animals be used for scientific or commercial testing.

When we use animals for scientific or commercial purpose, benefits that humanity can get are inexpressive.

Every animal testing has reason and purpose.

This kind of reason and purpose are clear and truly pay for us so that it is hard to say we infringe on animal's rights.

through this animal testing, we can make cure or vaccine that upstep human’s life and contributes the development of space industry.

‘Animals are used for scientific or commercial testing’

the nuance of the sentence can be seemed very cold and formal. But advance and development come to us warmer and warmer.


이전글 1820 임경택 사이버 토론대회 (4)
다음글 1602김경용 사이버토론대회 (10)