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2321 최호빈 Korea should adopt tele-health care.
작성자 최호빈 등록일 21.05.16 조회수 139



   The Republic of Korea should adopt the tele-health system.

                                                                                                                                                          2321 최호빈

  According to umanle S.R.L. corp, the tele-health is a comprehensive definition of a service that allows a patient to receive medical treatment from a doctor through medical equipment such as a monitor connected to a communication network without visiting a hospital or clinic. Before, the concept of tele-health was somewhat like getting a cup of just made, ice-cooled milkshake using drive thru. Not that necessary, but comfortable. The ‘era ruled by virus’ we have these days, however, made us consider whether to appoint the tele-health system as a new medical mechanism for the new generation. Since the Wuhan Virus has the high capability of infection compared to those of earlier days, the remote health care rised as the alternative way of doc’s work. In the case of the United States, digital therapy support is active through the FDA's Digital Health Innovation Strategy, and there has been difficulties in expanding telemedicine practically due to issues such as medical insurance coverage, medical expenses, and medical license qualifications. As a result, expectations for the tele-health expansion have increased. And the UK government is supporting digital therapy and tele-heath confidence through the ``NHS Long-Term Plan'' announced in 2019. (BioIN, FDA) However in South Korea, 'New Nap Vision' of startup New Naps is undergoing clinical trials with approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, although there are no digital treatments approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. South Korea is way too late to catch up other countries boosting up the tele-health industries. For the fabulous innovation and development, South Korea should adopt the tele-health system.

  First, the telemedicine system contributes to improving accessibility to the medical system. Currently, the only place where tele-health is being practiced in Korea is Ulleung borough. Currently, the population of Ulleung borough is 9077. Dokdo, a beautiful island of South Korea, has a population of 40 people. Since there is no large hospital in Ulleung burough and the distance from the land is highly considerable, tele-health system is being performed. According to United News, Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital is in charge of the health and well-being of Ulleung Island residents through the tele-health care system. There was also a case where a patient's life was saved using a helicopter after arrhythmia and stroke were diasgnosed, through a remote health care system. The medical staff in residents of Ulleung Island are 21 public health practitioners. Therefore, there were many difficulties in emergency response before tele-health system support. The situation of Ulleung Island, which is a relatively large island is not worse than situation of small island villages in the south and west. There are numerous people who do not have stable and clean medical support. According to The Fact, since the president Moon took over, 47% of Korea's medical facilities are now concentrated in the central metropolitan area. 25.9% of hospitals are concentrated in Seoul. It is a well-known fact that most of the large hospitals are located in the metropolitan area and major cities, and the further away from the city, the more difficult it is to receive medical assistance. The concentration of hospitals in large cities is a chronic problem that cannot be solved by increasing the number of medical schools. In addition to hospitals, many infrastructure and service facilities are inevitably located in areas with high population and high demand. Adopting tele-health can solve the trouble of traveling a long way to get to a hospital in the countryside. In addition, there may be situations in which medical assistance is needed in a remote place other than the city due to unavoidable circumstances. Better medical support is also needed for those who serve the country in remote areas, such as the soldiers at Gp fort and the Dokdo Guards.

  According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea, Japan fully allowed telemedicine in 2015, and from 2018, medical insurance is supported for telemedicine. In China, telemedicine was fully permitted in 2016. On the other hand, Korea promoted legalization of telemedicine in 2010 and 2016, but it failed. As mentioned above, Korea's telemedicine system is inferior. We have missed the opportunity to revitalize the market and economic benefits that can be obtained through the introduction of tele-health systems. Information technology companies such as Alibaba and Tancent have introduced innovative services through telemedicine. Alibaba operates Alipay, which allows online consultation with doctors, treatment, and delivery of medicines. In 2018, a company called Ping Anhaoyi Province operates an unmanned clinic. This clinic consists of medical artificial intelligence and drug vending machines. In the three-square-meter examination room, patients can be diagnosed by artificial intelligence, and medications can be prescribed immediately, and medications that are not in the vending machine can be shipped home. DXY, a mobile healthcare company in China, operates an online hospital, and more than 2 million people, or 70% of all Chinese doctors, consult patients for a fee. Currently, 3 million people use this system. As a countermeasure against the coronavirus situation, China has fully introduced 5G-based telemedicine in Wuhan, and video-linked general hospitals in large cities such as Beijing and Sichuan and hospitals in Wuhan to provide medical treatment, consultation, and meetings between doctors. Made it possible. This has been criticized for reducing secondary infections towards medical staff. Before 2015, Japan allowed telemedicine only on islands and remote areas. Naver launched a telemedicine business through its Japanese subsidiary line, which is a widely known fact. Patients can consult with internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecologists, orthopedics, and dermatologists via smartphone. What is inevitable for tele-health care service is drug delivery service. However, delivery of drugs is illegal in Korea. According to Article 50 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, pharmacy openers and drug sellers are not allowed to sell drugs at any place other than the pharmacy or store. However, this is discrimination against people living in areas with low access to medicines. Of course, delivery of drugs can be dangerous to clarify the management and responsibility of drugs. In addition, the expertise is significantly inferior to the face-to-face method. The problem of illegal drug trade and abuse might be also considerable. However, this is a common problem for delivery. It is like banning delivery of food by motorcycle because a Chinese food deliveryman might steal and eat your dear jajangmyeon. In the first place, economic life is based on beliefs. The resulting criminal activity has no reason to object to the introduction. Imagine. Increase hospital income through telemedicine services, and create jobs and economic growth through drug delivery services. It is foolish to give up these advantages by restriction of institutions or laws.

To wrap up, tele-health system is the innovation. There are undeniable advantages to ban the tele-health care. It is somewhat desperate considering South Korea’s heavy restrictions. Korea's medical system and environment are clearly different from other countries. In addition, it is difficult to ignore the many causal relationships inherent in it. However, such laws and restrictions should be changed for the development of our nation.


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