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번호 제 목 첨부 이 름 날짜 조회
119 [1지08 박천호] The juvenile law that should be stricter 첨부파일 있음 박천호 18.11.29 149
118 [1201 구본욱] We need to reform a 'Backward problem' of Teenager crime 첨부파일 있음 구본욱 18.11.29 162
117 답변글 RE:[1인25 최홍준] -1인 09 류승민Juvenile law must be strengthened 이도형 18.11.29 81
116 답변글 RE[1820 임세연] :RE:[1810 김혜민] Juvenile crime penalties should be strengthened. 임세연 18.11.29 108
115 답변글 RE:[1의26최병수]-1인 09 류승민 Don`t look at teenagers as infants. 이도형 18.11.29 80
114 답변글 RE:RE:[1127 한시훈] A slap on the wrist 한시훈 18.11.29 72
113 [1821 진민영] Is stricter punishment the answer to juvenile crime? 첨부파일 있음 임세연 18.11.29 175
112 1인09 류승민 Should the punishment for juvenile delinquency be strengthened? 첨부파일 있음 이도형 18.11.29 161
111 답변글 RE:[1521 이지원] Let’s Be More Stricter Against Juvenile’s shield called ‘Juvenile Law’ 노지현 18.11.29 58
110 [1820 임세연] A right punishment 첨부파일 있음 임세연 18.11.29 243
109 답변글 RE:[1624 허수영] Juvenile Law Should Be More Powerful 김현진 18.11.29 64
108 답변글 RE:[1810 김혜민] Juvenile crime penalties should be strengthened. 노지현 18.11.29 119
107 [1지25한태현] haste makes waste 첨부파일 있음 한태현 18.11.29 174
106 답변글 RE:[1313 백승현] The Reinforcement of Juvenile Punishment : The Right Path for the Future of Youth 백태민 18.11.29 82
105 답변글 RE:[1315 서동수] I can’t agree with tightening of penalty about juvenile delinquency 백태민 18.11.29 72