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작성자 | 조민혁 | 등록일 | 17.06.23 | 조회수 | 39 |
Koreans ' obesity rates are rising today.So a fat-tax is becoming a subject that people.A fat-tax is cause to be the cause of obesity debate, divided into the opposite side, divided into a tax levied by the product separately.. First of all, I object to a fat-tax. The first reason is price against in the execution of a fat-tax is that people. Imposing a place that corresponds to the meat, butter, milk.Cooking oil are used as ingredients in our food as well as junk food.If this many lower-income earner, a duty on goods will be a burden. Second, a fat-tax is also caused price hikes will negatively affect the country's economy. Finally, Denmark, conducted a real Imposing a fat tax will not achieve the intended purpose, which lead to higher prices and Imposing a policy scrapped.Imposing even if see examples above can see that policies won't hold up. |
이전글 | [1난15 배다찬] The limitation and the solution of 'Fat Tax’ (3) |
다음글 | (1지 19 이상훈) Seeing fat tax through an economical eye. |