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[2302 권재민] Should We Use The Knife Which Kills Bull When Catching Flea?
작성자 권재민 등록일 18.04.20 조회수 154

* 첨부파일에도 있음*


Should We Use The Knife Which Kills Bull When Catching Flea?

We Don't Know What Is Important

2302 권재민


'Should We Use The Knife Which Kills Bull When Catching Flea?' It is the traditional phrase when the solution is provided to handling the trivial happening. I'm trying to contemplate the punishment which is convicted to the criminal who committed serious crime that should be eradicated from the society. Crime's history which start with human's is not rooted yet and their method evolve continuously. Since the extent of crime is subjective, it is difficult to decide what kind of thing is important or not important, but what kind of effective measures are prepared to prevent the wave of crime that becomes increasingly precise Everyone will agree that he is urgent. Representative of that measure is the disclosure of personal information of a heavy criminal who is one of those presented during the information age.


Personal information is the information that can identify a special person. It can be seen that it is used for prevention of crime and investigation through disclosure of identity information of a heavy criminal, and that the general person has the effect of seeking a boundary in advance by letting the general person understand his criminal acts. However, using such things, its goal is realized lustlessly, it gorges the head to us. How can you prevent specific criminal practices, use it for investigation, and evoke preventive effects to the general public through personal disclosure? In this text, I would like to express my position I had doubts about many things from the expected effect of severe criminal identity information disclosure to the actual effect.


Firsly, the subjects of being enforced by the current law are subject to conviction by committing sexual offense such as adolescent sexuality number, rape, compulsory indecency, prostitution mediation, child / youth use obscene creation and distribution Receiving, a person who has finalized a punishment or a person whose disclosure order has been confirmed. In other words, those who are not sexual offenses and those who are not judged by crime (eg suspects) will not apply to this law. By the way, information that is wanted not receiving criminal sentence is also exhibited in the public place. Arrangement of violent crime when I went to a bank When I look at the poster that culprit came out, I can get quite detailed information on my photo and name, place of birth and physical information. It is not necessary to visit the site of "sex offender e" in order to acquire personal information of sex offender. Of course, as their crime was scientifically convinced, it would have been such a way, contradicting the original prerequisite of disclosing the identity of a confirmed criminal, It is dare to question how to answer the question that there is some waste to disclose personal information separately with "sex criminals" targeted separately.


Secondly, public people do not see any effect other than evoking a simple boundary knowing public information of public offenders. The personal information of the criminal who is currently open to the public in the Republic of Korea includes personal information such as name, resident registration number, address, actual location of residence, location such as occupation, workplace, contact address, physical information (height and weight), Immigration Actually, registration subject sex criminal care information, sex criminal precedence In fact, whether it is equipped with electronic equipment. In this way many information is released and prayers are reported to inhabitants in the neighborhood, in reality most people are not interested in other things except for some information such as name, photo and location. Here the point is that you can create a situation where gaze gathers on some specific information rather than the concern of other things and the criminal can not carry the face when walking around. Also, when a criminal wants to work again to make a social life, he is a president. It is clear that the water border is unable to remove the young sex offender.


Thirdly, we will trash the editorial effect during the sentences of offenders of criminals. In society, concepts have emerged to prevent individuals from being widely known continuously on the Internet as aka "forgotten rights", but this particular situation is backed up. In the depths of people, it is unknown how criminals who have finished imprisonment without anyone knowing will live in society. Here, by disclosing personal information such as residence, consideration is required to seriously consider the effect that the public is wary of. At least they will guarantee the forgotten right at the starting point to restart. If it does not guarantee it, what meaning does the meaning of the period when they swear to reflect and live well by a year to decades? Even trying to restart is not to be free from people's gaze, even to continue to restore life outside the prison. The imprisoned life will be beyond the information disclosure period of 10 years and may be a lifetime.


In conclusion, disclosure of personal information of a heavy criminal should be abolished. The evidences that I presented should be highlighted in the Korea. Criminal is a person who was criminal. We don't know what is important for them. The point that we should focus is the possibility that whether the criminal would improve their thought and behavior. Again, their tougth and behavior.

다음글 2국12박주영 (1)