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충주고등학교 12월 사이버 영어 토론대회
작성자 충주고 등록일 13.12.05 조회수 386

12월 사이버 영어 토론 대회


참여 방법 : 학교 홈피-> 학생코너-> 토론마당-> 2013 사이버 영어 토론대회에 글올리기


1. 해당 주제에 관해 자신의 주장이 담긴 글을 올린다. (300~500자 이내)

2. 다른 사람의 글을 읽고 그에 대한 반박 혹은 의견을 댓글 형식으로 올린다.

3. '글 첫머리에 학년 반 번호 이름을 반드시 적을 것'.

4. 글은 반드시 한글 파일로 작성하여 파일 첨부할 것.

5. 3, 4번 항목을 준수 하지 않을 시 심사 대상에서 제외 됨.


시상 기준: 영어 구사력과 글의 논리, 일관성을 고려하여 채점

(최초로 올리는 글에 한해 가산점 부여함)

다른 사람의 글을 읽고 댓글 형식으로 토론에 참여하는 정도에 따라 추가 점수 부여

300~500단어의 분량에 미만이거나 초과하는 경우 감점

참여 시기 : 2013129() ~ 1227()


12월 토론 주제 : A Beautiful ME

Did you know that one in every then women in Korea has had plastic surgery, and the number of men getting it is on the rise? It's no surprise because Korean society is very conscious of physical appearances. Of course, there are many kinds of procedures being done, like breast enlargements, liposuction(지방 흡입술), and double eyelid surgeries. We all hear about the risks involved with any kind of surgery, but people are willing to take that risk to look beautiful. The media subconsciously tells us the standards of beauty. As we watch models and celebrities with gorgeous bodies and perfect faces, we want to be like them. We forget that they themselves might have gotten plastic surgery to look that way. In any case, that may be one reason why people get plastic surgery.

* Think about these opinions on plastic surgeries and show which side you are on.

1. Ever since I was in middle school, I've always hated my flat nose. It made my whole face look flat, so I did a nose job a couple of years ago. It helped me to boost my confidence level. Because I see myself differently, people perceive me differently too. What I mean to say is that plastic surgery should not be viewed as something bad. If you have the money to correct a physical flaw, then you should do it. However, I do recommend that you are sure of plastic surgery beforehand because some people do regret getting it.

2. Don't you think there are too many risks involved with plastic surgeries? There are so many illegal operations out there. Some people are left with large scars or medical problems as a result of plastic surgery. Because it's a choice, not a medical requirement, insurance companies do not cover plastic surgeries. That is why plastic surgeons make a lot of money. People should be aware that plastic surgeons do make mistakes and the insurance doesn't cover those mistakes.

이전글 2014학년도 신입생 합격자 명단 공지
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