CJEDC(Chung-Ju English Debate Club)는 국제화 시대에 대비하여 학생들의 영어 의사소통 능력과 사회 주요 이슈에 대한 창의적 사고능력을 갖춤으로써 학교와 지역사회의 영어교육 활성화에 기여하기 위한 목적으로 모인 동아리입니다. 영어 토론, 영어 에세이 작성 및 글 기고를 통해 국제 경쟁력을 기르고 사회 현상에 대한 고등사고능력 배양을 위해 힘 쓰고 있습니다.
또한, 매년 북부영어체험센터에서 영어를 활용한 봉사활동을 실시하고 있으며 원어민 초청 수업, 영자신문 및 문집 발간 등 다양한 영어 관련 활동을 하고 있습니다. 영어나 국제관련 학과에 진학할 학생이 다양한 경험을 가져 포트폴리오를 다채롭게 할 수 있는 기회를 제공하려고 노력합니다.
착한 사마리아인법(찬성: 최유민 이민지) |
이름 | 최유민 | 등록일 | 16.07.14 | 조회수 | 30 |
Not only everyone knows how to help others who are in danger, but also everyone has been trained the importance of it on a regular basis from parents and school. However, they have had troubled in making that knowledge into action because of selfishness such as "I'm busy." or "Everyone can be helper, so I won't care about it.". These can be led to the worst situation. So, I'll give my approval to Good Samaritan Law. And I'll let you know how much it needs for our society. First,, Currently, many of developed country chose bill on Good Samaritan Law more than 30 states of America and 14 European countries are implementing it now. The reason why they enforce that law are in forcibleness. If the Good Samaritan Law is not involved in legislation, the court can't restrict the person who didn't someone who are in danger. So to speak, the standard which is not involved in legislation doesn't have a forcibleness. Therefore, because a moral standard don't cause a forcibleness, the duties which have to do morally can be neglected. So in order to prevent this situation we need Good Samaritan Law. Second, I'll introduce one story. In 1928, a man taking a walk around quayside fell into the sea by mistake. When his friends arrived there, he was already dead. But when the moment he died, there was another man who was frying. So dead man's family litigated that man but the court renounced the litigation because there was no duty of delivery in legislation. If you were a bereaved family, what were you likely to say toward that court or that country? Onlooking is crime as well. Because onlooking has never made the situation better. There can be only exist bad or worse or the worst situations. Third, if you think the right not to help others is more important than others' life, let's think about between life of human and freedom of yours. Life is far more important concept generally. The person who don't have life don't have freedom as well. In conclusion, the Good Samaritan Law has to be revised in Korea. |
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