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30 minutes delivery system-이서윤

이름 이서윤 등록일 11.04.15 조회수 149

Do you know the rule of 30-minutes delivery ?

30-minutes delivery is the rule that made in nation to make the delivery men to deliver pizza faster.


So the customers can have more fresh and hot pizza.

But the reality for the nations pizza delivery men is they must often times risk their lives to keep, the promise pizza franchise make to the customers.


So many people and civic groups across the nation are demanding the leading pizza chains to scrap the 30 minutes rules.


By the contents above it is national that 30-minutes rules is abolished but on the other hand it should be continued by followings.


People insist on abolishing the 30-minutes rule beause they think 30-minutes is not enough for delivery man to deliver on time, but if they abolish the rule, delivery man would be to slow.


So how about delivery time to 35-minutes ?


I think postponing 5-minutes will be enough for them to deliy more safely.

I am not neglecting a persons life when the delivery man had decided to have that kind of job, they should accept the risk.


They should have known that of danger.

Also there was an opinion that instead of 30-minutes rule company should insures the delivery men ,if they delivery on time.


But not only it is impossible for company to insure them but also it could be more dangerous.

Beause delivery men will drive faster to earn more money .


As a conclusion , they can postpone the from 30-minutes to 35-minutes.

Or develop the pizza box than can keep the warnth longer.


But I guess it is best to delay five minutes. 

이전글 10327임지우
다음글 4월토론 essay