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30 Minutes..Rule vs Life

이름 등록일 11.04.14 조회수 121



Nowadays, there are arguments for and against the rule,

which forces the delivery man to deliver the pizza

to their customers within 30 minutes after their order.

And many young deliever were dead because of car accidents.

Many people say that accidents were caused by the 30 minutes delivery system.

But I disagree because the system is just one of the producer's services.

It can be a good competition between the franchises

because customers don't have to wait too long.

Some stores ignore that customers are waiting for the pizza too long,

and of course, the customer have to eat cold pizza.

Of course the objector can say the rule can make the car accidents,

but those are also caused by the young, especially teenage delievery men themselves.

Many of them apply the position just because they want to ride motocycle.

It's not so much bad, however, they ignore the traffic rules

by driving the road so fast, reversely, shuttlewise , and even purposely.

So the car can't help hitting them, and most of them die.

I agree that 30 mimutes can make the delievery men have to on time so dangerously,

but I don't want to aboilsh the rule because the customers also be respected.

There are many stores of each brand in one city,

 so I think it won't be hard to keep 40 minutes rule.

이전글 4월토론 essay
다음글 30-minute delivery system essay