CJEDC(Chung-Ju English Debate Club)는 국제화 시대에 대비하여 학생들의 영어 의사소통 능력과 사회 주요 이슈에 대한 창의적 사고능력을 갖춤으로써 학교와 지역사회의 영어교육 활성화에 기여하기 위한 목적으로 모인 동아리입니다. 영어 토론, 영어 에세이 작성 및 글 기고를 통해 국제 경쟁력을 기르고 사회 현상에 대한 고등사고능력 배양을 위해 힘 쓰고 있습니다.
또한, 매년 북부영어체험센터에서 영어를 활용한 봉사활동을 실시하고 있으며 원어민 초청 수업, 영자신문 및 문집 발간 등 다양한 영어 관련 활동을 하고 있습니다. 영어나 국제관련 학과에 진학할 학생이 다양한 경험을 가져 포트폴리오를 다채롭게 할 수 있는 기회를 제공하려고 노력합니다.
국제청소년학술대회 발표 논문 초록 |
이름 | 박여울 | 등록일 | 11.08.23 | 조회수 | 149 |
< Abstract > The Influence of Mass Media to Youth Ban Gayoung(Chungju girls’ high school) Seo Yeoryung(Chungju girls’ high school) Choi Miri(Chungju girls’ high school) Park Minhee(Chungju girls’ high school)
Rapidly changing culture of the world is quite amazing. IT technology such as Internet is a good sample, making most of the youths possible to spend time and space very effectively. Due to the trend, public culture is developed in different and various ways. The study intends to examine the change of youth culture. Listening to music and watching movie through Internet which is young people’s main public culture, the youth are suffering from a lot of inflammatory violent experience, and easily misusing and abusing beautiful Korean language. And it is becoming a very serious social problem that youths apply new trendy words or phrases in their routine. As Korean youths spend most of their time studying in school, they have little chance to do cultural activities freely. So, they usually enjoy easily accessible culture like Internet, music and movie and use download rather than go to a theater to watch a movie. If cultural activity, which appeals to human emotion, has bad effect on teenager, our future generation will have a deserted environment. The situation can be seen as a result of serious public culture provided to teenagers, considering increasing juvenile crime, disappearing good manners to elderly people, making relationship not by heart and faith but by need and imitated new languages from movie and Internet. We need to develop the right way to guide youths to access the proper public culture, not depending on commercial value. Therefore, the study is to focus on how much effect of public culture on youths. |
이전글 | 발표논문ppt자료 |
다음글 | 영자신문목차 (1) |