6학년 1반

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서로 사랑하는 1반

서로 배려하는 1반

서로 존중하는 1반



서로 사랑하며 나눌 줄 아는 이삭두레★
  • 선생님 : 정다은
  • 학생수 : 남 13명 / 여 13명


이름 임이환 등록일 19.07.24 조회수 80

Today I would go orthopedics after. When I finish school my father was waiting for me. I took an X-RAY. But orthopedics doctor says"Your leg is okay". But my father told to doctor "Can my son take an ultrasonic examination?". Then orthopedic doctor' answer was "Sure". While doing ultrasonic examination I felt that it was amazing! because  there was a small thing.

It seems like a razor. Ultrasonic waves doctor put on some cream on  looks like razor and scrub it on my leg. It was so cold. But the screan showed doctor and me my muscle and bone.​ It is amazing too. I was so surprised. So I ask question to doctor "How can we see my muscle and bone?". But doctor says me "Don't talk and still hold". So I was quiet. After finish ultrasonic waves I went orthopedics doctor again. Then he says " Now I found, you have tendosynovitis". But I didn't surprised. becase I didn't know what is a 'Tendosynovitis'. Doctor explain to me. but I didn't know untill know. This is last  doctor says "Take the medicine and take a rest teakwondo one weak". Then I felt very sad.

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