6학년 4반

안녕하세요. 여러분! 항상 건강하고 밝은 우리반 학생들이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
  • 선생님 : 신승희
  • 학생수 : 남 10명 / 여 16명


이름 인하정 등록일 18.08.13 조회수 89

  To. My classmates

Hi, friends! , I am Hajeong.

The reason why I write this letter is because we are about to graduate.

It was good to be in your class for a year.

Well, there have been a lot of cases.

Although I have 2 semester left to write this letter, I am sad and sad that I am going to graduate.

Let's make more memories as we go on field trips and attend academic events in the second semester.

Don't forget to contact me when you become a middle school student!

See you guys again later!  

                                                                                            6-4 인하정이 씀.


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