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작성자 유윤식 등록일 14.05.17 조회수 71

She is the girl who he wants to talk to. (who은 목적격 인칭 관계대명사 whom 대신 쓰인것이고.)


This is the girl I spoke of yesterday (who대신 that 사용 가능합니다. 이때 that은 또한 생략가능합니다.)


모두 틀린 문장이 아닙니다.


* that이 who을 대신함.
I like people that smile a lot.
Do you remember the people that we met in Italy?


* 목적격 관계대명사 that 생략 가능
- Do you remember the people we met in Italy?


- I forget most of the films I see.
- All I want is your happiness.

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