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작성자 이지현 등록일 11.09.23 조회수 484



If you want to deliver information, you can use the expression such as "It is said that~".


1. A: It is said that an Indian king built the Taj Mahal for his wife.


인도의 왕이 그의 아내를 위해 타지마할을 건축했다고 해.


B: Oh, I see.




2. A: It is said that more and more foreigners are learning Korean.


점점 더 많은 외국인들이 한국어를 배우고 있다고 해.


B: That sounds interesting.




It is said that~은 대체적으로 일반적인 사람이 말했거나 말하는 사람을 언급하지 않을 때 사용합

니다. 일반적인 사람일 경우 People say that~ 으로 바꿔 쓸 수도 있습니다.

It is said that he is a very diligent man.


= People say that he is a very diligent man.


= They say that he is a very diligent man.


= He is said to be a very diligent man.


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