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작성자 이지현 등록일 11.05.30 조회수 421




W: This is the poster for the latest Harry Potter movie.


M: That's awesome!


W:   이게 바로 해리 포터 최신영화 포스터야.


M:   와, 멋진데!



Useful Expressions


#. That's awesome. 


이외에도 감탄을 나타내는 다양한 표현들은 매우 다양합니다. 


  • That's cool.


  • That's great.


  • That's fantastic.


  • That's amazing.


  • That's excellent.


  • That's incredible.


  • That's impressive.


  • That's superb/super.


  • Are you following me?


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