일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
Aesop's Fables (57 page)
Aesop's Fables (58 page)
Aesop's Fables (59 page)
Aesop's Fables (58 page)
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Aesop's Fables (60 page)
Aesop's Fables (60~61 page)
Aesop's Fables (61 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (12 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (12 page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (12 page)
- 11.11.01
- Aesop's Fables (57 page)
- A large net fell on him.
큰 그물이 그에게 떨어졌다.
- 11.11.02
- Aesop's Fables (58 page)
- He struggled to free himself, but the net held him tightly.
그는 자기가 할수있는만큼 스스로 버둥거렸지만, 그물은 그를 단단히 잡고있었다.
"How dare someone trap the king of the jungle," he dried, and his voice echoed through the trees.
"감히 밀림의 왕에게 누군가 덫을 놓다니," 그는 건조하게 말했고, 그의 목소리는 나무를 지나서 메아리쳤다.
'How embarrassing.'
'이런, 민망할 데가.'
- 11.11.03
- Aesop's Fables (59 page)
- Far away, the mouse heard the lion's roar.
멀리 떨어진, 생쥐는 사자의 표효가 들렸다.
'The lion must be in trouble.'
'사자가 곤란에 빠졌나보다.'
- 11.11.04
- Aesop's Fables (58 page)
- "I promised to help him and so I shall," she thought.
"나는 그를 도와주기로 약속했고 그래서 나는 할것이다," 그녀는 생각했다.
She ran through the jungle as fast as she could.
그녀는 그녀가 할수 있는한 가장 빨리 밀림을 지나 달렸다.
- 11.11.07
- Aesop's Fables (60 page)
- "I'm here to rescue you," she told the lion.
"내가 당신을 구하러 왔어," 그녀는 사자에게 말했다.
"Fat chance," he replied, but there was no one else to help.
"가망이 없어," 그는 대답했다, 하지만 도와줄이가 아무도 없었다.
- 11.11.08
- Aesop's Fables (60~61 page)
- The mouse nibbled and gnawed at the net until at last the lion was free.
생쥐는 조금씩 먹었고, 물어뜯었다. 그물이 사자를 자유롭게 할때까지.
"I was wrong to doubt you, little mouse," he said.
"나는 너를 의심한것이 틀린것을 알아았다, 작은 생쥐야," 그가 말했다.
"Thank you for saving my life."
"고맙긴 내가 나의 생명을 살려줬잖아."
- 11.11.09
- Aesop's Fables (61 page)
- "Goodbye, my friend."
"잘 가, 내 친구여."
And the moral is...
Little friends can be great friends.
작은 친구들도 좋은 친구가 될 수 있다.
- 11.11.10
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
- Sinbad the Sailor
뱃사람 신밧드
A long, long time ago, in the city of Baghdad, there lived a poor man.
까마득한 옛날에, 바그다드의 도시 안에, 가난한 남자가 살고 있었다.
- 11.11.11
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
- His name was Hinbad.
그의 이름은 힌밧드였다.
Hindad was a porter.
힌밧드는 문지기였다.
- 11.11.14
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
- One hot day, Hinbad was carrying a very heavy load, and became very tired.
어느 더운 날, 힌밧드는 매우 무거운 짐을 운반했고, 매우 피곤해졌다.
Hi stopped to rest in a quiet street in front of the beautiful house of a very rich man.
그는 조용한 거리의 매우 돈 많은 사람의 아름다운 집 앞에서 휴식을 취하려 멈췄다.
- 11.11.15
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
- Hinbad wondered who lived in this beautiful house.
힌밧드는 이 아름다운 집에 사는 사람이 누구인지 궁금해했다.
He went up to one of the servants and asked him, "Who lives here?" The servant was surprised.
그는 들어가 하인들 중 한명에게 질문했다, "누가 여기 사나?" 하인은 놀랐다.
- 11.11.16
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
- "Do you live in Baghdad and not know my master's name?" he said.
"너는 바그다드에 살면서 나의 주인님의 이름을 못들어봤니?" 그는 대답했다.
"He is the great Sinbad the Sailor.
"그는 대단한 뱃사람 신밧드야.
- 11.11.17
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (8 page)
- He has sailed all around the world and has had many wonderful adventures!"
그는 세계 주위를 모두 출범했고 많은 훌륭한 모험을 했어!"
- 11.11.18
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
- Hinbad wondered why sinbad was so rich and he was so poor.
힌밧드는 왜 신밧드는 부자이고 그는 가난한지 궁금해했다.
"What a difference between this man's life and mine!" he said sadly.
"나와 그의 삷 사이에 무슨 차이가 있기에!" 그는 슬프게 말했다.
- 11.11.21
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
- "He has everything he wants. I, however, have to so work hard, and I am still poor.
"그는 모든것을 그가 가지려고 노력했다. 나는, 도대체 어째서, 매우 고된 일을하는데, 나는 여전히 가난하다.
Sometimes I don't even have dry bread to feed my children and me.
때때로 나는 나와 나의 아이에게 마른빵조차 먹일수 없는데.
- 11.11.22
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
- Why is he so lucky? Why am I so unlucky?"
왜 그는 운이 좋은가? 왜 나는 매우 운이 좋지 않은가?"
Sinbad heard Hinbad and invited him for dinner.
신밧드는 힌밧드를 듣고 그를 만찬에 초대했다.
- 11.11.23
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
- Sinbad said, "Let me tell you how I became a rich man.
신밧드는 말했다, "내가 어떻게 돈이 많은 사람이 되었는지 들어보게.
I haven't always been rich.
나는 지금까지 줄곧 부자가 아니었다네.
- 11.11.24
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
- You are wrong if you think I have always led an easy life.
내가 항상 쉬운 삶만 살았다고 생각한다면 잘못된것이네.
I became rich by working hard for many years.
- 11.11.25
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (10 page)
- I have had much trouble and suffering."
Here is Sinbad's story:
- 11.11.28
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (12 page)
- The First Voyage
When I was a young man, my father died.
He left me a lot of money, but I spent it all quickly.
- 11.11.29
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (12 page)
- I didn't want to be poor.
So, I decided to becone a trader.
I joined a company of merchants and we soon sailed away.
- 11.11.30
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (12 page)
- We had a good ship and planned to sell our goods in many ports.
One day our ship came ot a small greem island.
It looked like a meadow.