일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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The House of Shadows(18page)
The House of Shadows(18page)
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The House of Shadows(18page)
The House of Shadows(18page)
The House of Shadows(18page)
The House of Shadows(18page)
The House of Shadows(18page)
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The House of Shadows(19page)
The House of Shadows(19page)
The House of Shadows(19page)
The House of Shadows(19page)
The House of Shadows(19page)
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
The House of Shadows(19page)
The House of Shadows(20page)
The House of Shadows(20page)
The House of Shadows(20page)
The House of Shadows(21page)
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The House of Shadows(21page)
The House of Shadows(21page)
The House of Shadows(21page)
The House of Shadows(21page)
The House of Shadows(22page)
- 11.09.01
- The House of Shadows(18page)
- it opened onto an endless corridor.
문을 열었더니 복도가 끝도없이 있었다.
- 11.09.02
- The House of Shadows(18page)
- kit remembered the large stone building they'd seen earlier.
kit은 예상보다 일찍 큰 돌 건물을 봤다.
- 11.09.05
- The House of Shadows(18page)
- was she inside it?
그녀가 이안에 있을까?
- 11.09.06
- The House of Shadows(18page)
- Feeling scared but excited, she tiptoed on.
그녀는 겁났지만 신이났고,그녀는 살금살금 걸었다.
- 11.09.07
- The House of Shadows(18page)
- she glanced across at a mirror and saw nothing.
그녀는 맞을편을 훑어봐서 거울과 중요하지않은것을 봤다.
- 11.09.08
- The House of Shadows(18page)
- "it's as if I'm not really here," she whispered nervously.
"이것은 마치 내가 진짜로 여기있는것 같지 않다" 그녀는 불안해하며 소곤거렸다.
- 11.09.09
- The House of Shadows(18page)
- "Maybe I'm a ghost in this house..."
"어쩌면 나는 이 집안에 유령..."
- 11.09.11~11.09.13
- 추석연휴
- 11.09.12
- 추석
- 11.09.12
- The House of Shadows(19page)
- kit was about to turn back when she heard a girl crying.
kit은 되돌아올때 그녀는 여자 아이의 울음 소리를 들었다.
- 11.09.13
- The House of Shadows(19page)
- "The sister needs me," she decided.
"나에게 여동생이 필요해,"그녀는 결정했다.
- 11.09.14
- 대체공휴일
- 11.09.14
- The House of Shadows(19page)
- Feeling braver, she raced on through doors and deserted rooms.
새로운 기분이들었고,그녀는 문을 통해 사람이 떠나간 방으로 달려갔다.
- 11.09.15
- The House of Shadows(19page)
- finally, she entered a leafy greenhouse and stopped dead.
마침내, 그녀는 잎이 많은 초록집에 들어가고 죽음이 멈췄다.
- 11.09.16
- The House of Shadows(19page)
- there stood the grim figure of Mr. hubble.
음산하게 서있는 hubble의 모습
- 11.09.19
- The House of Shadows(19page)
- he slowly turned to face her and everything went dark.
그는 천천히 얼굴을 돌렸고 그녀와 모든것이 어두워 젔다.
- 11.09.20
- The House of Shadows(20page)
- Detective work
탐정의 일을 하다
it was already mid-morning when ned woke up.
Ned는벌써 아침이라 일어났다.
- 11.09.21
- The House of Shadows(20page)
- he puzzled over his strange dream and looked up at the mirror.
그는 그의 이상한 꿈때문에 얼떨떨했고 거울을 처다봤다.
- 11.09.22
- The House of Shadows(20page)
- a word had been scrawled in the dust on tge glass.
유리에 먼지로 휘갈겨쓴 글자가 있었다.
- 11.09.23
- The House of Shadows(21page)
- the door handle turned and ned let out a scream.
문의 손잡이고 돌아갔고 Ned 괴성을 질렀다.
- 11.09.26
- The House of Shadows(21page)
- "it's only me," said kit.
"이건 나때문이다" kit이 말했다.
- 11.09.27
- The House of Shadows(21page)
- "You'll never guess what's happened..."
'너는 절대로 무슨일이 있었는지 알려하지마. ..."
- 11.09.28
- The House of Shadows(21page)
- as they exchanged their spooky stories, they made toast and hot chocolate, before wandering out into the sunny garden.
그들은 그들의 으스스한 이야기를 주고받았고,그들은 토스트와 뜨거운 초콜릿을 만들었고,그전에 뜨거운 정원에서 해매고 있었다.
- 11.09.29
- The House of Shadows(21page)
- "we can't both have been dreaming," said kit between slurps.
"우리 둘다 꿈이 아니였을지도 몰라,"kit이 후루룹거리며말했다.
- 11.09.30
- The House of Shadows(22page)
- "but what were we seeing?" said ned.
"그러나 우리가 뭘봤는데? ned가 말했다.