상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2010년 2011년 2012년
1 2 3
School for spooks (p.31)
School for spooks (p.31)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
School for spooks (p.31)
School for spooks (p.32)
School for spooks (p.32)
School for spooks (p.32)
School for spooks (p.33)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
The tale of the haunted TV (p.34)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.35)
School for spooks (p.33)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.34)
School for spooks (p.33)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
The tale of the haunted TV (p.35)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.35)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.36)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.36)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.36)
25 26 27 28 29 30  
The tale of the haunted TV (p.37)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.37)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
  • 11.09.01
    - School for spooks (p.31)
    Within seconds, the fire was out.
  • 11.09.02
    - School for spooks (p.31)
    At that moment, the firefighters arrived.
  • 11.09.05
    - School for spooks (p.31)
    Miss Creepy and the rest of the school weren't far behind.
  • 11.09.06
    - School for spooks (p.32)
    The students found Tammy lying in an exhausted heap.
  • 11.09.07
    - School for spooks (p.32)
    "What happened?"cried Miss Creepy.
  • 11.09.08
    - School for spooks (p.32)
    As thr firegighters made sure everything was okay, a tired Tammy told her story.
  • 11.09.09
    - School for spooks (p.33)
    That evening, Tammy was the star of a special ceremony in front of the whole of Creepy College.
  • 11.09.11~11.09.13
    - 추석연휴
  • 11.09.12
    - 추석
  • 11.09.12
    - School for spooks (p.33)
    But she was too sleepy to enjoy it.
  • 11.09.13
    - School for spooks (p.33)
    Perhaps when she woke up, someone would tell her she was now a Grade A spook.
  • 11.09.14
    - 대체공휴일
  • 11.09.14
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.34)
    One Saturday afternoon, Glen Goggle was watching TV.
  • 11.09.15
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.34)
    Suddenly the set made a funny fizzing noise and the screen went black.
  • 11.09.16
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.35)
    Glen's dad called out Mr. Sparks, the repairman.
  • 11.09.19
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.35)
    Mr. Sparks put the television in his van and returned with a battered-looking replacement.
  • 11.09.20
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.35)
    Glen had never seen such an ancient TV set.
  • 11.09.21
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.36)
    "It's bettr than nothing," said Mr. Goggle.
  • 11.09.22
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.36)
    Glen's parents had no problems watching the TV. but the first time that Glen tuned in,someting strange happened.
  • 11.09.23
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.36)
    A man in strange clothes appeared on the screen and burst into song.
  • 11.09.26
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.37)
    Harry was a terrible singer.
  • 11.09.27
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.37)
    But he was so funny, Glen didn't mind missing, the cartoons.
  • 11.09.28
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
    The next time Glen switched on, Harry appeared again.
  • 11.09.29
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
    This time he was dressed as a magician.
  • 11.09.30
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
    This show was even funnier than the last.