상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2010년 2011년 2012년
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The tale of the haunted TV (p.45)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.45)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.46)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.46)
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The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
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  • 11.11.01
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.45)
    There were singers, dancers and comedians. Glen thought they were great, but Harry did nothing but grumble.
  • 11.11.02
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.45)
    Glen didn't notice ghost float away. so he got a shock when a full-size Harry suddenly appeared on stage.
  • 11.11.03
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.46)
    Harry pushed the other contestants aside and went into his act.
  • 11.11.04
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.46)
    He sang terrible songs... he messed up his magic tricks... and he finished with sis clmsy dance routine.
  • 11.11.07
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
    The audience roared with laughter. Harry won first prize as the star of the show.
  • 11.11.08
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
    He called Glen on stage to say thank you.
  • 11.11.09
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
    With a big grin on his face, Harry faded away.
  • 11.11.10
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.47)
    Glen grinned too. Harry had given him the prize money to buy a brand new TV.