상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2010년 2011년 2012년
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The tale of the haunted TV (p.39)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
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The tale of the haunted TV (p.41)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.41)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.41)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
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The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
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The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
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The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
  • 11.10.03
    - 개천절
  • 11.10.03
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.38)
    Every trick Harry did went wrong.
  • 11.10.04
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.39)
    The useless magician made Glen laugh so much, he had to turn off the TV to stop his sides from aching.
  • 11.10.05
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
    Next day, harry tried to dance and kept tripping over his own feet.
  • 11.10.06
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
    Although Haeer was funny, Glen was starting to miss the cartoons.
  • 11.10.07
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
    Glen was about to switch channels, when Harry fell forward - and came through thr TV screen.
  • 11.10.09
    - 한글날
  • 11.10.10
    - 대체공휴일
  • 11.10.10
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.40)
    Then he grew to full size before Glen's astonished eyes.
  • 11.10.11
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.41)
    Glen was amazed. "sorry," panted Harry.
  • 11.10.12
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.41)
    "I should have taken more dance lessons when Iwas alive."
  • 11.10.13
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.41)
    Glwn gulped. "You mean, you'er a g...g..."
  • 11.10.14
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
    "Ialways wanted to be on television," said Harry.
  • 11.10.17
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
    "So when I became a ghost, I decided to haunt this set."
  • 11.10.18
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
    "I can't rest easy in the spirit world until I'm a star." he sighed.
  • 11.10.19
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.42)
    Glen felt sorry for Harry. He offered to let him stay if he stopped haunting the TV.
  • 11.10.20
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
    Harry spent the next few days moping in Glen's room.
  • 11.10.21
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
    Then one afternoon, Glen showed him a ticket.
  • 11.10.24
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
    "look where we're going," he said, with a grin.
  • 11.10.25
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.43)
    Harry was full of excitement. He'd never seena TV show being made before.
  • 11.10.26
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
    Glen wasn't sure if spooks were allowed in TV studios.
  • 11.10.27
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
    Harry shrank himsellf down so Glen could smuggle him inside.
  • 11.10.28
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
    Glen was relieved when he reached his seat in the audience.
  • 11.10.31
    - The tale of the haunted TV (p.44)
    Harry peeked out as the lights dimmed and the show began.