일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | |||||
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.10)
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.11)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.11)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.13)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.13)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.14)
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.17)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.17)
- 11.04.01
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.10)
- He stuck the thin iron rods among the wheat, on the gnome's half of the field
그는 땅속 요정의 땅의 반에, 얇은 철 막대를 밀사이에 꽂는데 열중했다
- 11.04.04
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.11)
- Next day, Harold's scythe swished through the wheat easily.
다음 날 , 해덜드는 큰낫으로 밀을 쉽게 베었다.
- 11.04.05
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.11)
- But the gnome's scythe kept hitting the rods.
그러나 땅속 요정은 계속 큰낫으로 그막대를 쳤다.
- 11.04.06
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
- Every time the gnome tried to cut the wheat, his scythe hit a rod.
계속 쌍속요정은 밀을 자르려고 노력했고, 그의 낫은 막대를 쳤다.
- 11.04.07
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
- Soon it would not cut at all.
곧 그것은 전부 자를수 없게 됐다.
- 11.04.08
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
- The gnome was so angry,he shouted at Harold.
땅속요정은 매우 화가 났고 그는 해럴드에게 소리쳤다.
- 11.04.11
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
- In a temper, he threw sown the scythe and stormed off.
성질을 부리며, 그는 큰낫을 던졌다. 그리고 땅속요정은 화가나서 멀리갔다.
- 11.04.12
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.12)
- Harold never saw him again.
Harold는 그를 다시 볼수 없었다.
- 11.04.13
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.13)
- Jessy was skipping in the sun when she heard a tiny,tiny cry.
제시는 태양에서 깡충깡충 뛸 때 아주 작은 울음을 그녀는 아주 작게 들었다.
- 11.04.14
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.13)
- "Help me! Please, help me!"
"저좀 도와주세요!도와주세요!"
- 11.04.15
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.14)
- When she looked down, there was a fairy,stuck in a spider's wed.
그녀가 아래를 보았을 때, 그곳에는 요정이, 거미줄에 빠져 움직이지 못하고 있었다.
- 11.04.18
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
- Jessy could hardly believe her eyes.
jessy는 그녀가 못볼꺼라 믿었다
- 11.04.19
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
- Gently, she lifted the fairy from the web.
상냥하게, 그녀는 요정을 함정에서 꺼내줬다.
- 11.04.20
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
- "Thank you, thank you!" cried the fairy.
"감사합니다, 감사합니다!" 라고 요정은 외쳤다
- 11.04.21
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.15)
- "I was going to Goblin Hill for a party. Would you like to come?"
"나는 저 언덕을넘어서 파티에가 요정너도 같이갈래?"
- 11.04.22
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
- Jessy's gran had told her stories about Goblin Hill.
jessy 할머니는 언덕쯤에 마귀가있을꺼라는 이야기를 했다.
- 11.04.25
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
- Not once had jessy imagined goblins actually lived there.
한번도 제시는 마귀가 실제로 그곳에 살아있다고 상상한 적이 없었다.
- 11.04.26
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
- But, now she looked closely, she saw a door.
하지만, 그녀는 지금 가까이에서 보고, 그녀는 문을 톱질했다.
- 11.04.27
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.16)
- "Imagine going into the hill!" said jessy, but she was far too big...
"저언덕으로 가는걸 상상해!" 제시는 말했지만 그녀는 멀고 너무 컸다...
- 11.04.28
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.17)
- ...until the fairy tapped her on the toe
...요정까지도 그녀의 발가락을 두드렸다.
- 11.04.29
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 2 (p.17)
- The fairy opened the door and led Jessy inside.
요정은 문을 열었고 제시를 안으로 이끌었다.