일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.3)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.3)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.3)
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.5)
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.5)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.6)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.6)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.6)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | ||
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.9)
Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.10)
- 11.03.01
- 삼일절
- 11.03.02
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.3)
- chapter 1
The lazy gnome
게으른 땅속 요정
Harold was a happy farmer, until the day a gnome arrived.
해럴드는 행복한 농부다, 어느날 땅속요정이 나타났다
- 11.03.03
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.3)
- "This place looks good!" said the gnome.
"여기 땅이 좋네!" 땅속요정이 말했다.
- 11.03.04
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.3)
- "I think I'll stay."
"나는 여기에서 머물러야겠다."
Harold couldn't get rid of him.
해럴드는 그를 처리하지 않았다.
- 11.03.07
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
- At first, the gnome helped on the farm.
먼저 땅속요정은 그 농부를 도와준다.
- 11.03.08
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
- But one day he went on strike and refused to do anything.
근데 어느날 그는
- 11.03.09
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
- that wasn't all.
그게 전부가 아니었다.
- 11.03.10
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.4)
- "From now on, I want half of everything you grow"he shouted at Harold.
"이제부터 나는 모든것의 반을 원한다"그는 해럴드에게 소리쳤다.
- 11.03.11
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.5)
- Harold didn't like that at all
해럴드는 모든게 마음에 안들었다.
- 11.03.14
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.5)
- So he agreed but decided he would trick the gnome.
그래서 그는 찬성했지만 그는 땅속요정에게 속임수를 쓰려고 결심했다.
- 11.03.15
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.6)
- That spring, Harold planted wheat in his fields.
봄에,해럴드는 그의 밭에서 밀을 키웟다.
- 11.03.16
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.6)
- At harvest time, Harold took the top of the wheat and had sacks full of grain.
수확기때,해럴드는 가장좋은 밀을 가지고있고 곡물이꽉찬 자루를 가지고있었다.
- 11.03.17
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.6)
- The gnome got stalks.
땅속요정은 줄기를 가졌다.
- 11.03.18
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
- "Next year, I'll take the top of the crop," said the gnome.
"내년에, 나는 제일 좋은 작물을 가질꺼야"땅속요정이 말했다.
- 11.03.21
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
- So, Harold planted turnips.
그래서 해럴드는 순무르르 심었다.
- 11.03.22
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
- At harvest time, Harold had piles of turnips.
수확 시기에, 해럴드는 순무를 수확했다.
- 11.03.23
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.7)
- the gnome got the top of the plant: lleaves.
땅속 요정은 그식물에 윗부분인 잎만 가졌다.
- 11.03.24
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
- The gnome was very angry.
땅의 요정은 매우 화가 났다.
- 11.03.25
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
- "Next year, grow wheat again," he shouted.
"다음해에는,밀을 다시 키워" 그는 외쳤다.
- 11.03.28
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
- "Whoever finishes first can take all the wheat"
"누구든 모든 밀을
- 11.03.29
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.8)
- "You can cut half the field and I'll cut can take all the wheat."
"너는 들판 반을 자를수있어 그리고 나는 반을 자를꺼야."
- 11.03.30
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.9)
- When the wheat was ready to cut, Harold went to the village blacksmith.
밀을 자를 준비가 됬을때 대장장이 마을에 갔다.
He had a plan, but it needed lods of thin iron rods.
그는 계획을 가지고 있었이만 그것은 많은 쇠막대기가 필요했다.
- 11.03.31
- Stories of Gnomes & Goblins 1 (p.10)
- The night before the race, Harold crept out to his field.
그경기전밤에, 그의 땅으로 기어나갔다.