상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2010년 2011년 2012년
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Animal Legends (44 page)
Animal Legends (44~46 page)
The Stars (12 page)
The Stars (12 page)
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The Stars (12 page)
The Stars (13 page)
The Stars (13 page)
The Stars (14 page)
The Stars (14 page)
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The Stars (15 page)
The Stars (15 page)
The Stars (16 page)
The Stars (17 page)
The Stars (17 page)
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The Stars (17 page)
The Stars (17 page)
The Stars (18 page)
The Stars (18 page)
The Stars (18 page)
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The Stars (18 page)
The Stars (18 page)
The Stars (18 page)
  • 11.11.01
    - Animal Legends (44 page)
    The fire crackled and spat and smoke billowed up.
    : 불은 타올랐고 연기가 올라왔다.

    The crocodile woke with a jump.
    : 악어는 놀라서 뛰었다.
  • 11.11.02
    - Animal Legends (44~46 page)
    When he saw the fire, he bellowed in fear.
    : 언젠가 그에게 불이 닿았다., 그는 두려움에 떨며 큰소리로 울부짖었다.

    "Help! Fire!"
    : "도와줘! 불이야!"

    The fire was licking at his scales.
    : 불은 그를 폐쇄시키듯 감쌌다.

    Taking a flying leap, he jumped right over the flames...
    : 그는 뛰었다, 그는 불길을 못참고 강으로 뛰었다.

    "Funniest thing l've ever seen!"
    : "재미있다. 이렇게 재밌을 줄이야!"

    "Ho ho ho!"
    : "호호호!"

    ...and disappeared into the river with a splash.
    : ...그리고는 무언가가 번쩍임과함께 강으로 사라졌다.

    When the crocodile heard the rabbits laughing, he was very annoyed.
    : 악어가 토끼들의 말을 듣고서는, 그는 매우 불쾌했다.

    He shouted at them from the river.
    : 그는 강으로부터 그들에게 소리쳤다.

    "Don't ever come near the river again!"
    : "다시는 강 근처에 오려고 하지마라!"

    "Ha ha!"
    : "하하!"

    "Keep off our land then!" cried the rabbits and that's how it's stayed ever since.
    : "우리의땅에서 나가!" 토끼들이 소리쳤다. 그리고 그것이 그때 이후로 그것에 머무는 이래가 된것이다.
  • 11.11.03
    - The Stars (12 page)
    CHAPTER ONE : A Welcome Visitor
    : 제 1장 : 방문하신것을 환영합니다.

    At one point in my life, I was a shepherd at Luberon.
    : 나의 일생의 한점에 있어선, 나는 루베론의 양치기였다.
  • 11.11.04
    - The Stars (12 page)
    It was a very isolated place.
    : 이것은 매우 고립된 장소였다.

    I would often spend weeks there without seeing a single person.
    : 나는 종종 그것은 외로운 사람이라는것을 느꼈다.
  • 11.11.07
    - The Stars (12 page)
    During those weeks, I would joyfully spend my time with my dog, tending my flocks of sheep.
    : 이번주 동안, 나의 시간을 나의 개와, 10마리의 양들과 함께 즐겼다.

    At times when I did see another person, it was usually the loner who lived up on Mount Lure?
    : 시간이 지나서 나는 어떤 사람을 봤다, 그는 보통 사람이였다. 누가 그런 매력적이 사람이 산을 오른다고 하겠는가?
  • 11.11.08
    - The Stars (13 page)
    From time to time, he would come down.
    : 시간이 흐르고 흘러, 그는 내려갔다.

    looking for some simple conversation and to hear I also saw the odd coal men.
    : 그가 대화를 나누는것을 보았는데 듣고보니 그는 광부였다.
  • 11.11.09
    - The Stars (13 page)
    They worked in the coal mines not too far from my fields.
    : 그들은 광산에서 일해가지고 집적 가지지않고 나의 들판에 옮겨놓았다.

    All of these people were simple folk and did not care for the shallow wants of the world?
    : 모든 사람들이 온거 같다. 그리고 그들은 시냇물을 원했다.
  • 11.11.10
    - The Stars (14 page)
    About once every two weeks, a person was sent to bring me supplies on a mule.
    : 매주 두번씩, 그 사람은 나에게 노새를 보내왔다.

    This person was usually a farmhand from the lowlands or an old woman who always wore a reddish-colored cap.
    : 그 사람은 일꾼이었는데 늙은 아내와 항상 빨간 모자를 쓰고 있었다.
  • 11.11.11
    - The Stars (14 page)
    I heard all of the news from the lowlands from them.
    : 세상일을 그들을 통해 들을 수 있었다.

    However, the news that interested me the most was any word about my Master's daughter?
    : 하지만, 나를 가장 흥미로워 하는 이야기는 나의 마스터의 딸에 대한 이야기였다?
  • 11.11.14
    - The Stars (15 page)
    My Master's daughter was the prettiest girl in the surrounding area.

    But I was just a lowly twenty-year-old shepherd who tended her father's flocks.
  • 11.11.15
    - The Stars (15 page)
    I always had to remind myself that there were many handsome young men in the lowlands.

    They could provide better for her than what some poor shepherd could.
  • 11.11.16
    - The Stars (16 page)
    Being a vain girl, I knew that she would always have more interest in wealthier men.

    I never even expected her to say hello to me.
  • 11.11.17
    - The Stars (17 page)
    Two weeks had passed since my last supplies had been delivered to me.

    It was a Sunday, and I was waiting for the mule to arrive with my provisions.
  • 11.11.18
    - The Stars (17 page)
    I waited patiently, but no one came.

    "It is the fault of my Master's house," I thought.
  • 11.11.21
    - The Stars (17 page)
    "They have forgotten to send me my provisions." I Waited untill noon.

    I watched for someone to come, but in the distance, I noticed there was a very dark storm.
  • 11.11.22
    - The Stars (17 page)
    "The storm has delayed the person from delivering me my necessities," I thought.

    "I am sure that the roads are very had now because of the storm."
  • 11.11.23
    - The Stars (18 page)
    Another three hours passed.

    The storm had now passed.
  • 11.11.24
    - The Stars (18 page)
    I looked into the sky.

    It was now a beautiful, clean, blue sky, and the sun was cas
  • 11.11.25
    - The Stars (18 page)
  • 11.11.28
    - The Stars (18 page)
  • 11.11.29
    - The Stars (18 page)
  • 11.11.30
    - The Stars (18 page)