상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2010년 2011년 2012년
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The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
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The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
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The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
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The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
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The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
  • 11.09.01
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "Hurry, Huckle, or you will be late for school," said Officer Murphy.
    "서둘러,허클,학교에 늦었어," 머피아저씨가말했다.
  • 11.09.02
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Huckle ran to chool.
    허클은 학교에 뛰어왔다.
  • 11.09.05
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    He hoped that Lowly was not sick.
    허클은 로리가 아프지않기를바랬다.
  • 11.09.06
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Today was Huckle's birthday.
    오늘은 허클의생일이다.
  • 11.09.07
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    He wanted to show his birthday presents to Lowly after school.
    그는 그의생일선물을 학교끝나고 허클에게 보여주고 싶었다.
  • 11.09.08
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Huchle ran into his calssroom.
    허클은 그의교실로 뛰어같다.
  • 11.09.09
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    He was surprised to see Lowly.
    그는 로리를보고 깜짝놀랐다.
  • 11.09.11~11.09.13
    - 추석연휴
  • 11.09.12
    - 추석
  • 11.09.12
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    He was even more surprised to see Lowly sitting with Willy Rabbit.
    그는 심지어 토끼 윌리와 함께 앉아있는겄을 보고 깜짝놀랏다.
  • 11.09.13
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "What is the matter?"
  • 11.09.14
    - 대체공휴일
  • 11.09.14
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "Are you mad at me?" asked Huckle
    "나에게 화났니?"허클이물었다
  • 11.09.15
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    But Lowly did not answer.
    하지만 로리는 대답할수 없었다.
  • 11.09.16
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    He just giggled.
    그는 웃음을 참았다.
  • 11.09.19
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Then Lowly whispered something to Willy and they both giggled.
    로리는 윌리에게 무언가를 속삭였고 그들은 웃음을 참았다.
  • 11.09.20
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Suddenly Huckle felt sad.
    갑자기 허클은 슬퍼졌다.
  • 11.09.21
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    At play time Lowly was busy whispering to everyone- everyone but Huckle.
    놀이시간에 로리는 모두에게 속삭이느라고 바빳다.- 허클을 제외한
  • 11.09.22
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Huckle felt even sadder.
    허클은 또 슬퍼졌다.
  • 11.09.23
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    At snack time Miss Honey said, "Today Lowly and Willy will get our snack."
    간식시간에 미스허니는 말했다, "오늘은 로리와윌리가 우리의간식을 가져갔어."
  • 11.09.26
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Huckle felf awful.
    허클은 기분이 몹시나빳다.
  • 11.09.27
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "This is the worst day of my life!" he thought.
    "이것은 나의 인생중 가장나쁜날이야!" 그는 생각했다.
  • 11.09.28
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Soon Lowly and Willy came back.
    곧 로리와 울리는 돌아왔다.
  • 11.09.29
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "Surprise!" said Lowly.
    "놀랐지!" 로리가 말했다.
  • 11.09.30
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    They were carrying a birthday cake!
    그들은 생일케이크를 가져왔다.