일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |||
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
- 11.08.01
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- He got to his house and rang his bike bell.
그는 그의집에 도착했고 그의 자전거벨을울렸다.
- 11.08.02
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- "Cuckoo-Cuckoo!"went the bell.
- 11.08.03
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- Huckle was very surprised.
허클은 매우놀랐다.
- 11.08.04
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- Then he gave the clock to his mother.
그러고 그는 그의엄마에게 시계를 주었다.
- 11.08.05
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- "Happy Mother's Day." he said.
"행복한 엄마의날이에요'그가말했다.
- 11.08.08
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- "Dring-dring!" went the clock.
"링-링!" 시계가 울엇다.
- 11.08.09
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- Huckle was very surprised.
허클은 매우 놀랐다.
- 11.08.10
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- So was his mother.
그리고 그의 엄마도.
- 11.08.11
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- "What a wonderful clock!" she said.
"멋진 시계구나!"그녀가 말했다.
- 11.08.12
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- "I have never seen a cuckoo-cuckoo clock that suounds like a bike bell!"
"나는 자전거 소리를 내는 뻐꾹이시계를 본적이없어!"
"Thank you so much, Huckle!"
"너무 고마워. 허클!"
- 11.08.15
- 광복절
- 11.08.15
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- Huckle loved his new bike bell, too.
허클도 그의 새자전서 벨을 좋아한다.
- 11.08.16
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- There was not another one like it in Busytown!
비지타운에는 그것과같은 다른것이없다.
- 11.08.17
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- He rushed off to thank Mr.Fixit for the mixup.
그는 고쳐준 픽스잇트에게 고마워서 뛰어왓다.
- 11.08.18
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- And when he turned the corner,he rang his bell.
그리고 그는 코너를돌때,그는 그의 벨을 울렸다.
- 11.08.19
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- Best Frineds
친한 친구
Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm were best friends.
고양이허클과 지렁이로리는 친한친구이다.
- 11.08.22
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- They did everything together.
그들은 모든것을 함께했다.
- 11.08.23
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- They walked to school together.
그들은 학교에 함께 걸어갔다.
- 11.08.24
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- They sat togerther.
그들은 같이 앉았다.
- 11.08.25
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- They always played together at playtime.
그들은 놀이시간에항상 같이놀았다.
- 11.08.26
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- At snack time every day Huckle and Lowly got the milk and cookies for ther class.
매일 간식시간에 허클과로리는 교실에서 우유와쿠키를 같이 받았다.
- 11.08.29
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- Miss Honey was happy to have such good friends in her class.
미스허니는 그녀의 교실에서
- 11.08.30
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- And after school they played together at Huckle's house.
그리고 학교끝나고 그들은 허클네 집에서 함께놀았다.
- 11.08.31
- The Best Mistake Ever!
- But one morning Huckle waited and waited for Lowly.
그러나 어느날 아침 허클은 로리를 기다리고또기다렸다.