상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2010년 2011년 2012년
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The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
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The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
The Best Mistake Ever!
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The Best Mistake Ever!
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(5p)
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(5p)
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(6p)
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(7p)
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Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(9p)
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Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(11p)
  • 11.10.03
    - 개천절
  • 11.10.03
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    The whole class sang "Happy Birthday" to Huckle.
    모든 교실이 "생일축하"노래를불렀다.
  • 11.10.04
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Then Huckle made a wish and blew out the candles.
    허클은 소원을빌고 촛불을 껏다
  • 11.10.05
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "Wht was your wish?" asked Lowly.
    "너의소원이뭐니?"로리가 물었다
  • 11.10.06
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "I cannot tell you or it will not come true," said Huckle.
    "나는 너에게 말할수없거나 그것은 이루워질수없어." 허클이 말했다.
  • 11.10.07
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Then Miss honey cut the cake and everyone had a piece.
    미스허니는 케익을자르고 모두에게 한조각씩 주었다.

    "Hmmm, good" said Huckle.
  • 11.10.09
    - 한글날
  • 11.10.10
    - 대체공휴일
  • 11.10.10
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    After shool Huckle and Lowly played with Huckle's new train set.
    학교끝나고 허클과로리는 허클이 새 기차놀이 세트를 가지고놀았다
  • 11.10.11
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "This morning I was afraid that you did not want to be my best friend anymore," said Huckle.
    "오늘아침 나는 더이상 니가 나의 친한친구가 아닌거같아 두려웠어,"허클이말했다
  • 11.10.12
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    "I will always be your best friend," said Lowly.
    "나는 항상 너의 친한친구야,"로리가 말했다
  • 11.10.13
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    Huckle was very happy.
    허클은 매우 기뻤다.
  • 11.10.14
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    His birthday wish had come true.
    그의 생일 소원은 이루어졌다.
  • 11.10.17
    - The Best Mistake Ever!
    He and Lowly would always be best friends.
    그와 로리는 항상 친한친구 일 것이다.
  • 11.10.18
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(5p)
    Norma Jean liked to jump in the morning.
    노마 진은 아침에 점프하는 것을 좋아한다.
  • 11.10.19
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(5p)
    She jumped out of bed.
    그녀는 침대 밖으로 점프를 했다.
  • 11.10.20
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(6p)
    She jumped into her clothes.
    그녀는 그녀의 옷을 점프했다.
  • 11.10.21
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(7p)
    She jumped down the stairs.
    그녀는 계단 밑으로 점프하였다.
  • 11.10.24
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
    Norma Jean jumped all the way to school.
    노마 진은 학교가는 길에 점프하였다.
  • 11.10.25
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
    She jumped past Amy, Sam, Nell, and Ted.
    그녀는 에이미, 샘, 넬 그리고 테드를 지나 점프했다.
  • 11.10.26
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
    "Wow", said Ted.
    "와우" 테드가 말했다.
    "Look at her go!"
    "그녀가 가는 걸 봐라!"
  • 11.10.27
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(8p)
    "That Norma Jean never stops jumping."
    "저 노마 진은 절대 점프를 멈추지 않는다."
  • 11.10.28
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(9p)
    "Hello, Hello, Hello" she called to her friends.
    "안녕, 안녕, 안녕" 그녀는 그녀의 친구들에게 말했다.
  • 11.10.31
    - Norma Jean, Jumping Bean.(11p)
    That morning Miss Jones read the book to the class.
    그날 아침 미스 존스는 책을 학생들에게 읽어주었다.