상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2010년 2011년 2012년
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The Great Tulip Trade(P.11)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.11)
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The Great Tulip Trade(P.12)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.12)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.14)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.14)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.15)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
The Great Tulip Trade(P.15)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.16)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.16)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.16)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.17)
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The Great Tulip Trade(P.19)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.19)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.20)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.21)
The Great Tulip Trade(P.18)
  • 11.12.01
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.11)
    Anna put all the tulips ih her wheelbarrow and pushed it to their cottage
    -안나는 모든 튤립을 외바퀴 손수레 놓고 그여자는 그들의 작은집으로 밀다
  • 11.12.02
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.11)
    She planted them in a window box.
    -그녀는 그것들을 창문 상자에 심었다
  • 11.12.05
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.12)
    Soon she saw a farmer bringing his sheep and cows to market.
    -그녀는 시장으로 그의 암소와양을 가져오는 농부를 보았다.
  • 11.12.06
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.12)
    "What pretty tulips!" he said.
    -"예쁜 튤립이네요!" 그가 말했다.
  • 11.12.07
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
    "I'll trade you for a red tulip.
    -나는 빨간 튤립을 당신을 위해 팔아줄수 있어요.
  • 11.12.08
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
    And a yellow one," he said.
    -또 노랑 튤립도요,"그가 말했다.
  • 11.12.09
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
    The farmer thought he could sell the tulips for more than his sheep and
    농부는 그의 양과 암소이상으로 튤립을 팔수 있었다고 생각했다.
  • 11.12.12
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
    "Sorry, they're not for sale," said Anna.
    -안나는 말했다 그것들은 팔면 안된니다 미안합니다.
  • 11.12.13
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.13)
    "They are my birthday present."
    -그것들은 나의 생일 선물이다
  • 11.12.14
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.14)
    "I'll give you a lamb," said the farmer.
    -"나는 당신에게 어린양을 줄것이다," 농부가 말했다.
  • 11.12.15
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.14)
    "No, thank you," said Anna.
    -"당신에게 사례할것이다" 안나는 말했다.
  • 11.12.16
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.15)
    He held up another lamb.
    -그는 또하나의 어린양을 갖고 있었다.
  • 11.12.19
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.15)
    "I'll give you two lambs, a cow, and a puppy."
    -나는 강이지 또 암소 또 2마리의 어린양을 당신에게 줄것이다.
  • 11.12.20
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.16)
    Anna felt bad.
    -안나는 기분이 나빴다
  • 11.12.21
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.16)
    The tulips were her present.
    -튤립은 그여자의 선물이었다.
  • 11.12.22
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.16)
    But with lambs, her family could spin the wool to make into cloth.
    -어린양 그여자 가족 돌리다 양털 만들다 천
  • 11.12.23
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.17)
    With a cow, they could have fresh milk, butter, and cheese.
    And he puppy would grow bigger and protect their tulip field.
  • 11.12.25
    - 성탄절
  • 11.12.26
    - 대체공휴일
  • 11.12.26
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.18)
    Besides, Anna Would still have six tulips left.
    "All right, I'll trade," she said.
  • 11.12.27
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.19)
    A while later, a peddler and his wife stopped their wagon.
    "What lovely flowers!"
  • 11.12.28
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.19)
    called the peddler.
    "I'll tradeyou some pors and pans for the pink-striped one."
  • 11.12.29
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.20)
    The pedddler knew that he could sell the tulip more than his pots and pans.
    "No, thank you," said Anna.
  • 11.12.30
    - The Great Tulip Trade(P.21)
    "Add the red one<" said the man, "and you may have this warm wool rug."