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2011년 2012년 2013년
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Anna Frank
Anna Frank
I got mass...
I had my b...
For years ...
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  • 12.01.01
    - 신정
  • 12.01.02
    - Anna Frank
    On Friday, June 12th, I woke up at six o'clock and no wonder, it was my birthday.
    6월 12일 금요일, 나는 여섯시에 있어났다, 그리고 오늘은 내 생일이다.

    But of course I was not allowed to get up at that hour, so I had to control my curiosity until a quater to seven
    하지만 나는 지금 일어나면 안돼는 시간이나, 그래서 나는 일곱시가 돼기 십오분까지 내 호기삼을 제어해야 했다.

    Then I could bear it no longer, and went to the dining room. where I received a warm welcome from Moortje(the cat).
    그리고 나는 더이상 버틸수 없었다, 그리고 나는 따뜻하게 맞아줄 내 모어트즈(고양이)가 있는 부엌으로 갔다.
  • 12.01.03
    - Anna Frank
    Soon after seven I went to Mummt daddy and then to the sitting room to undo my presents.
    일곱시 후에 나는 엄마랑 아빠하테 간후 내 선물이 있는 거실로 갔다.

    The first to freet me was you, possibly the nicest of all.
    처음으로 날 반겨준거 너였어, 아마 가장 기분이 좋았을거야.

    Then on the table there a bunch of roses, a plant, and some peonies, and more arrived during the day.
    그리고 거기에는 한 송이의 장미와 식물 몇개의 모란이 있었다, 그 다음날 더 많은 꽃들이 왔다.
  • 12.01.04
    - I got mass...
    I got masses of things from Mummy and Daddy, and was thoroughly spoiled by various friends.
    나는 엄마랑 아빠에게 많은 것을 받았다, 그리고

    Among otgher things I was given Camera Obscura, a party game,
    lots of sweet, chocolates, a puzzle, a brooch, Tales and Legends of the Netherlands by jeseph cohen, Daisy's Mountain Holidays( a ter-rific book), and some money.

    Now I can buy The Myths of Greece and Rome- grand!
    지금 나는 The Myths of Greece and Rome- grand 을 살수 있다.

    Then Lies called for me and we went to school.
    그리고 리스는 나를 불러주었고 우리는 학교에 갔다.

    During recess I treated everyone to sweet biscuits, and then we had to go back to our lessons.
    쉬는시간때 나는 모두를 단 과자를 속였다, 그리고 우리는 다시 수업에 들어가야했다.

    Now I must stop.
    나 이제 그만해야해

    Bye-Bye, we're going to be great pals!
    안녕, 우리는 멋지게 될어야 친구!
  • 12.01.05
    - I had my b...
    I had my birthday party on Sunday afternoon.
    나는 생일을 일요일 오후에 했다.

    We showed a film the Lighthouse Keeper with Rin-Tin-Tin, which my school friends thoroughly enjoyed.

    We had a lovely time.

    There were lots of girls and boys.

    Mummy always wants to know whom I'm going to marry.

    Little does she guess that it's Peter Wessel; one day I managed, withiout blushing or flickering an eyelid, to get that idea right out of her mind.
  • 12.01.06
    - For years ...
    For years Lies Goosens and Sanne Houtman have been my best friends.

    Since then, I've got to know Jopie de Waal at the Jewish Secondary School.

    We are together a lot and she is now my best girl friend.

    Lies is more friendly with another girl, and Sanne goes to a different school, where she has made new friends.
  • 12.01.22~12.01.24
    - 설날연휴
  • 12.01.23
    - 설날
  • 12.01.25
    - 대체공휴일