상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2011년 2012년 2013년
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(6)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(7)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(7)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(9)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(10)
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Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(11)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(11)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(12)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(12-13)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(13)
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Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(14)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(15-16)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(16-7)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(18)
Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(19)
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  • 12.07.02
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(6)
    It was the first day back to school from summer break.
    일요일이 지나고 개학하는 날이 왔다.
    "Back to shcool rules!"
    "학교 가는날이 돌아왔어!"
    Pinky shouted.
    핑키가 크게 소리쳤다.
    "Back to school drools."Tyler said.
    "학교가는건 니가 아니야"타일러가 말했다.
  • 12.07.03
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(7)
    "come on. little brother,time to get dressed," said Pinky
    "이리와. 귀여운 동생아, 옷을 입을 시간이야" 핑키가 말했다.
    "I'm not going,"Tyler said.
    "나는 안갈꺼야 "타일러가 말했다.
    He pulled the covers over his head.
    그는 이불을 그의 머리까지 끌어드렸다
  • 12.07.04
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(7)
    "you are too,"said Pinky.
    "너 왜그래" 핑키가 말했다.
    "I am not,"said Tyler
    "난 안해"타일러가 말했다.
  • 12.07.05
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(9)
    "Tyirt! hurry up," Mom shouted up the stairs.
    "타일러! 서둘러" 엄마가 계단에서 큰소리로 외쳤다.
    "the big bus will be here soon!"
    "큰버스가 곧 떠나!"
    Tyler yelped and disappeared somewhere in the laundey.
    타일러는 새된 소리를 내며 세탁부 속으로 사라졌다.
  • 12.07.06
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(10)
    Pinky noticed that the clothes were shaking.
    핑키는 세탁물이 떨고 있단갈 알아챘다.
    "Wow, Tyler, you're shaking like you'er...what's that word that means you're really nervous? What's that word that means you're totally woried?"
    와우, 타일러, 너 떠는게 취미니 너...무엇때문에 너가 신경질적인지 어떤 일때문인지 말해볼래? 무슨일 인지 말해주겠니?"
  • 12.07.09
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(11)
    Tyler said from under the laundry.
    타일러가 세탁물 아래로 말했다
  • 12.07.10
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(11)
    "That's it!"
    said Pinky.
    "That's the word I'm looking for"
    내가 말해줄께
  • 12.07.11
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(12)
    "So you're apprehensive about the first day in the grade?"
    "너가 매우 걱정되기도 하고 이제 첫학년이지?"
    Pinky asked.
    핑키가 질문했다.
  • 12.07.12
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(12-13)
    All Tyler could do was touch his nose-which anybody knows means Pinky was right on th nose.
    타일러의 코를 만지면 모든 할수있었다 ㅡ 누군가는 핑키의 오른쪽 코에 방법을 알고있었다
    "That gives me an idea!"
    나 좋은 생각이났어!
    said Pinky.
    핑키가 말했다.
  • 12.07.13
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(13)
    "Are you going to make up one of your stories?"
    당신의 이야기를 만들 생각인가요?
    Tyler asked.
    타일러가 질문했다.
    "Yesserooni positooni!"
    Pinky said.
    핑키가 말했다.
  • 12.07.16
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(14)
    "I'll just shut my eyes, wiggle my ears, and crank up my imagination,"
    올바르게 나의 눈을 감고, 나의 귀를 흔들고, 나의 상상력을 움직여"
    said Pinky.
    핑키가 말했다.
  • 12.07.17
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(15-16)
    "The name of this story is..."
    내이름으로 한 이야기는...
    Back to school is cool
    학교안에 시원스러움
    It was a no-big-deal, regular day at Great Big School. NOT!
    그것을 크게 다루어서, 굉장히 큰 학교의 일상이야
  • 12.07.18
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(16-7)
    It was School Picture Day
    학교 사진찍는 날이였어.
    It was the only day of the whole school year when everyone wanted to look their absolute best.
    오직 그날 학교 전부의 모든 사람들은 그들의 최상의 순수함을 보고 탐냈어.
  • 12.07.19
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(18)
    But that morning, when Pinky looked in the mirror, her eyes nearly popped out of her head!
    어느날아침, 핑키는 거울을 보았어,그녀의 눈은 머리에서 펑하고 밖으로 튀어나올뻔했어!
    Her hair looked like:
    그녀는 머리카락을 보는걸 조아했어:
    *A, A tornado hed hit it.
    *1, 토네이도가 머리를 때렸다.
    *B, Two cats had had a fight on her head.
    *2, 두마리의 고양이가 그녀의 머리 안을 가지기 위해 싸웠다.
    *C, It was spooky haunted.
    *3, 유령가튼 도깨비가 있었다.
    *D, All of the above.
    *4, 모든게 뛰어나 보였다.
  • 12.07.20
    - Pinky Dinky Doo: Back to school is cool(19)
    The answer is D.
    D가 응답했어
    And D stands for pinky Dinky's Big Bad Hair Doo.
    또 D는 핑키를 위해 나쁜머리카락을 세웠다.
  • 12.07.23
    - Snakes!(4)
    A snake charmer sits in front of a basket and begins to play his flute.
    뱀은 바구니 안에 앉았고 그리고 그의 피리와 놀기 시작했다.
    A crowd gathers.
    사람들은 점차 모여들었다.
  • 12.07.24
    - Snakes!(4)
    Slowly a big cobra rises from the basket.
    코브라가 느릿느릿 바구니에서 일어났다.
    Oooh! Everyone moves back.
    오오! 모든사람들이 뒤로 물러났다
  • 12.07.25
    - Snakes!(6)
    the snake charmer isn't afraid.
    뱀은 그마력을 무서워하지 않았다.
    he sways to the musie.
    그가 음악을 흔들었다.

    the cobra sways too.
  • 12.07.26
    - Snakes!(7)
    Is the cobra really dancing to the music?
    코브라는 정말 음악에 맞쳐 춤을 추는것일까?
    It can't even hear it.
    그것은 듣는것 조차 할수없다.
  • 12.07.27
    - Snakes!(7)
    Snakes have no outer ears.
    뱀은 밖에 귀를 가지고 있지 않았다.
    But the cobra wathes the snake charmer carefully.
    moves whan he moves.
    움직이자 그도 움직였다.
  • 12.07.30
    - Snakes!(8)
    From the beginning of time people have been fascinated by snakes.
    처음부터 뱀은 사람들을 매혹시켰었다.
    This Egyptian king lived long ago.
    훨씬전에 이것은 이집트왕과 살았다
    His headdress had a golden cobre on it.
    그는 금빛의 코브라를 머리위에 쓰는것으로 가지고있었다

    The cobre stood for the king's power to strike at his enemies.
    왕의 권력을 위해 적에게 일격을 다했다.
  • 12.07.31
    - Snakes!(10)
    A Greek story tells of a monster called Medusa Who had snakes for hair.

    그리스의 설화에서 머리카락이 나있는 괴물 뱀을 메두사라 이름지었다고 말했다