일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | |||||
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(15~16page)
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(16page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(16page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(17page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(17page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(16page)
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(17~18page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(18page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(18~19page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(19page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(20page)
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(20page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(20~21page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(21page)
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(21page)
The story of Chocolate(3page)
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
The story of Chocolate(4page)
The story of Chocolate(4~5page)
The story of Chocolate(5page)
The story of Chocolate(5~6page)
The story of Chocolate(6page)
- 12.06.01
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(15~16page)
- It flew out of the valley, with Sinbad trailing below.
The roc landed on a cliff.
로코 절벽에 착륙했습니다.
- 12.06.04
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(16page)
- It was about to eat the sheep, when a group of men charged at the bird, scaring it away.
떨어져 놀라운
"Bother!" said one.
"귀찬다!" 원?한번더? 말했다.
"No jewels in tbis sheep's wool."
- 12.06.05
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(16page)
- Then they spotted Sinbad.
그때 그들은 얼룩문이 신바드?
His escape from snake valley amazed them.
그들은 탈출했다 계곡에는 벰들이있었다 놀랏다.
- 12.06.06
- 현충일
- 12.06.06
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(16page)
- In return for some jewels, they put him on a ship bound for Baghdad.
어떤 보석에 보답으로, 그들은 바그다드로 배를 바꺼.
- 12.06.07
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(17page)
- Chapter3
The greedy giant
거대한 욕심
- 12.06.08
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(17page)
- Once more, Sinbad was delighted to be home.
한번더, 신바드는 집에 갈수 있게 되어서 기뻤다.
But the feeling didn't last long.
그러나 그 기쁨은 오래 가지 못했다.
- 12.06.09
- .
- .
- 12.06.11
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(17~18page)
- This time, he traded a bag of jewels for silks and spices to sell.
그때, 그는 보석과 비단, 향신료를 가방에 가지고 다니며 팔았다.
His third journey went well and land was in sight when a bunch of short, ugly and very hairy men ambushed the ship.
그는 3번째 여행은 좋개 흘러가는 듯 했으나 땅딸막고 못생긴 털복숭이남자가 배를 숨겨버렸을 때 그는 그 땅에 도착했다
- 12.06.12
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(18page)
- One by one, the hairy men threw the merchants overboard, then sailed away.
How dare you take our ship!
- 12.06.13
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(18~19page)
- The miserable merchants were washed onto a beach.
They explored the new shore and found a courtyard filled with pots and firewood.
- 12.06.14
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(19page)
- But the courtyard was owned by a greedy giant, who licked his lips when he saw his visitors.
Before they could blink, he roasted a fat merchant.
- 12.06.15
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(20page)
- After supper, the giant fell asleep - across theonly exit.
거인의 끔찍한 식사후,
"Don't worry," whispered sinbad.
"걱정하지마," 신받드가 속삭였다.
- 12.06.18
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(20page)
- "When he leaves, we'll take his firewood and make a raft so we can escape."
"저 흉악스러운 거인이 떠났을때, 장작을 모아서 뗏못을 만들자 그러면 우리는이 끔찍한 곳에서 탈출할수있어."
At dawn, the giant woke u heap,ved himself to his feet and left.
그순간, 거인이 다리를 음츠렸다 펴면서 일어난 후 밖으로 나갔다.
- 12.06.19
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(20~21page)
- The men hurried to the beach, where they tied the firewood together with vines.
상인은 해변으로 쏜살같이 나가 포도나무 덩굴로 장작들을 묶기 시작했다.
As they pushed off from the shore, they heard a big splash.
그들이 배를띄울때, 그들은 해변가 전체를 울리는 듯한 호통소리를들었다.
- 12.06.20
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(21page)
- The angry giant was pelting the raft with rocks.
분노로 가득찬 거인이 바위를 땐목위로 날렸고 요란한 소리와 함께 뗏목은 산산조각이 났다.
Seconds later, a rock smashed the raft to pieces.
- 12.06.21
- The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor(21page)
- "Aghh!"
Most of the men drowned, but sinbad and two others were lucky.
개인적인 사정으로 신밧드의 모험은 여기까지~^^
- 12.06.22
- The story of Chocolate(3page)
- Chapter 1
Chocolate drinkers
A thousand years ago, chocolate was a big secret.
수천년전, 초콜릿은 큰 비밀이었다.
Only a few people drank it and nobody ate it.
유일한 소수의사람 음류수 그리고 아무도 않다?.
- 12.06.25
- The story of Chocolate(4page)
- The first chocolate drinkers were farmers who lived by the rainforest in central America.
The rainforest was a jungle full of tropical plants,wild animals and creepy crawlies.
- 12.06.26
- The story of Chocolate(4~5page)
- It was also home to the small cocoa tree that grew strange, bright pods.
Monkeys knew all about the pods.
- 12.06.27
- The story of Chocolate(5page)
- They liked to break them open and suck out the sweet, white pulp.
Then they spat out the bitter beans that were in the middle.
- 12.06.28
- The story of Chocolate(5~6page)
- If a bean landed on an earthy patch of forest floor, it grew into another cocoa tree.
One day, a farmer copied the monkeys and tasted a pod.
- 12.06.29
- The story of Chocolate(6page)
- "Yum!" he cried, sucking the pulp.
"Yuck!" he added, spitting out a bean.