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2011년 2012년 2013년
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The Clumsy Crocodile(32~33page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(34page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(35page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(36page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(37page)
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The Clumsy Crocodile(38page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(39page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(39page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(40page)
The Clumsy Crocodile(41page)
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The Clumsy Crocodile(42page)
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  • 12.12.03
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(32~33page)
    "You'll be fine," said the guard.

    "Just keep an eye on the Everglades Emerald."

    "Don't worry. you can count on me."

    The guard left.

    Cassy wasn't nervous any more.

    She felt imporyant.

    She was in charge.
  • 12.12.04
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(34page)
    The Everglades Emerald was the most expensive thing in the store.

    It was kept in a case of extra strong glass.

    Cassy thought it was the most beautiful jewel she had ever seen.
  • 12.12.05
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(35page)
    35페이지는 그림만있으므로 번역은 생략.
  • 12.12.06
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(36page)
    But Cassy wasn't the only one admiring the emerald.

    Hiding behind a pot were Nigel and Rupert - the Greedy Boys!

    "What a beauty," sighed Nigel.
  • 12.12.07
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(37page)
    "But look at that case," said Rupert.

    "How will we ever break the glass?"

    "Never fear," Nigel whispered.

    And as Cassy wandered away from the emerald, Nigel took something from his pocket.
  • 12.12.10
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(38page)


    Nigel held up a small whistle.

    "My secret weapon," he said.

    "It can't be heard by humans, but it can..."
  • 12.12.11
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(39page)
    He put the whistle to his lips and blew.

    The case exploded.

    "...shatter glass!" he finished.
  • 12.12.12
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(39page)
    He grinned.

    The Everglades Emerald was theirs for the taking.

    "At last," gasped Rupert.

    "I can,t wait to get my hands on it"
  • 12.12.13
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(40page)
    Nigel and Rupert sneaked out from their hiding place.

    Their eyes glittered with greed.

    "Now to collect our prize," said Nigel.
  • 12.12.14
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(41page)
    We'll be the richest men in the world!
  • 12.12.17
    - The Clumsy Crocodile(42page)
    The thieves crept closer to the emerald.

    But Nigel had made a big mistake.

    He was right about humans not being able to hear his whistle.

    What he didn't know was that animals could hear it...
  • 12.12.25
    - 성탄절