일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Stories of Pirates(P.21)
Captain spike(P.22)
Captain spike(P.23)
Captain spike(P.24)
Captain spike(P.24)
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Captain spike(P.25)
Captain spike(P.25)
Captain spike(P.26)
Captain spike(P.26)
Captain spike(P.26)
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
Captain spike(P.27)
Captain spike(P.27)
Captain spike(P.27)
Captain spike(P.27)
Captain spike(P.27)
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
Captain spike(P.28)
Captain spike(P.28)
Captain spike(P.28)
Captain spike(P.28)
Captain spike(P.29)
30 | ||||||
- 12.09.03
- Stories of Pirates(P.21)
- The landlord paid Charlie handsomely for his new burglar alarm... the
-집주인은 지불하고 찰리의 단정한 그의 새로운 강도경보 ...
parrot enjoyed its new job......and Charlie had enough money to buy
-앵무새는 새로운 일을 즐겼다... 찰리는 돈으로 또다른 하나의 조용한 새를
another bird - a quiet one this time.
- 12.09.04
- Captain spike(P.22)
- Macintosh Mullet was a poor fisherman.
-매킨토시는 가난한 어부었다.
He lived on tiny Mullet Island with only his daughter, for company.
-그는 작은 멜리트섬에 오직 그의 딸과 살았다.
- 12.09.05
- Captain spike(P.23)
- One winter,the weather was so bad that Macintosh didn' catch a single fish.
-겨울 일기 나쁜 매킨토시 붙들다 단하나의 물고기
So, molly put her father's telescope,her best blue vase and a china cat into a wooden chest and set off for the mainland.
-놓다 그여자 아버지 망원경 그여자 가장 좋은 푸른 꽃병 고양이 나무로 만든 대형상자 두다 대륙
- 12.09.06
- Captain spike(P.24)
- Molly had been rowing for ten minutes when she was spotted by Captain Spike and his band of pirates.
-몰리는 10분동안 너를 쩟다가 그녀 곁에 긴못을 한 선장과 그의 해적 일대가 왔다.
- 12.09.07
- Captain spike(P.24)
- In a flash, they dragged her and the chest dn board.
-번쩍이다,그들은 그여자와 대형상자를 잡았다.
- 12.09.10
- Captain spike(P.25)
- The mean captain tried everything to make molly talk... ...but she wouldn'tgive him the key.
-의미하다 선장 해보다 모든것 만들다 몰리 말하다 그녀는 그의 열쇠
선장은 모든것을 만들어 하는데 몰리가 말했다
- 12.09.11
- Captain spike(P.25)
- "Then I'll smash the chest open!" he cried.
-"그때 대형상자가 박살나며 열렸다!"그가 소리쳤다.
As he spoke, a thick fog came down around the ship.
-그때 두꺼운 안개가 배주위로 왔다.
- 12.09.12
- Captain spike(P.26)
- "Help!" cried the pirate who was steering
-"돕다!" 해적이 소리쳤다
"I can't see!"
-"나는 봤다!"
- 12.09.13
- Captain spike(P.26)
- "I know these seas," said Molly.
-"나는 이것들을 알고있다,"몰리가 말했다.
"Promise to let me go, and I'll auide you home.
-약속 시키다 나를 가다 당신의 가정
- 12.09.14
- Captain spike(P.26)
- "Hmm...OK," said Spike.
-"좋아"긴못이 말을했다.
"Shark Island, and step on it.!"
-"상어 섬,걷다!"
- 12.09.17
- Captain spike(P.27)
- An hour passed and the fog began to clear a little.
-한시간이 지나 안개가 없서지고 맑아졌다.
"I'll take over now," said spike.
-"나는 지금 이어 받았다 ,"스파이크가 말했다.
- 12.09.18
- Captain spike(P.27)
- "I can't have other pirates see you steer my ship, I'd be a laughing stock.
-나는 다른 해적들이 나의배에 키를잡는것을 볼수없어
"Can I go then?
-나는 그때 갔다?
- 12.09.19
- Captain spike(P.27)
- asked Molly.
-몰리는 질문했다.
- 12.09.20
- Captain spike(P.27)
- "You can walk the plank!"
-"당신은 판자를 걸었다!"
- 12.09.21
- Captain spike(P.27)
- "No!" said Spike, with a seer.
-"아니!" 스파이크가 말했다.
- 12.09.24
- Captain spike(P.28)
- The sneaky captain had broken his promise.
-선장이 몰래 그의 약속을 깨트렸다.
- 12.09.25
- Captain spike(P.28)
- Leaving one of his crewmen at the wheel, Spike forced Molly to walk to the end of a plank, into the shark-filled sea below.
-그의 선원을 남기고,스파이크가 몰리를 판자를걷어 같다,아래는 상어있는 바다었다.
- 12.09.26
- Captain spike(P.28)
- But there was no splash... not even a tiny splish.
-하지만 거기에서 작은게 쪼개저셔 튀어.
- 12.09.27
- Captain spike(P.28)
- All the pirates heard was a thud!
-모든 해적은 퍽 소리를 들었다
- 12.09.28
- Captain spike(P.29)
- At that moment, the fog cleared as quickly as it had sprung up.
-순간,갑자기 맑은 안개가 꼇어.
- 12.09.29~12.10.01
- 추석연휴
- 12.09.30
- 추석