상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2011년 2012년 2013년
1 2 3 4
(Chapter 1) Shipwereck!(6)
(Chapter 1) Shipwereck!(7)
(Chapter 1) Shipwereck!(7)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(Chapter 2) The island home(8)
(Chapter 2) The island home(8)
(Chapter 2) The island home(9)
(Chapter 2) The island home(9)
(Chapter 2) The island home(9)
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
(Chapter 2) The island home(10)
(Chapter 2) The island home(10)
(Chapter 2) The island home(11)
(Chapter 2) The island home(12)
(Chapter 2) The island home(11)
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
(Chapter 2) The island home(12)
(Chapter 2) The island home(12)
(Chapter 2) The island home(12)
(Chapter 2) The island home(13)
(Chapter 2) The island home(13)
26 27 28 29 30 31  
(Chapter 2) The island home(14)
(Chapter 2) The island home(14)
(Chapter 2) The island home(15)
(Chapter 2) The island home(15)
(Chapter 2) The island home(15)
  • 12.08.01
    - (Chapter 1) Shipwereck!(6)
    Robinson Crusoe felt himself sinking
    로빈슨 크로소는 자신을 만져보았다
    Desperately, he behan to swim for the shore
    필사적으로 그가 행동했다
  • 12.08.02
    - (Chapter 1) Shipwereck!(7)
    After battling through the waves, he reached land
    그가 전투로인해 뇌물을들이있었다
    When at last he'd got his breath back, he emptied his pockets
    그의 비어있는 호주머니에 뭔가있어서 한숨을돌렸다
  • 12.08.03
    - (Chapter 1) Shipwereck!(7)
    He had a knife, his pipe and some tobacco
    그의 칼 파이프 그리고 담배
    That was it How ever was he going to survive
    그는 생존하고싶어서 갔다
  • 12.08.06
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(8)
    The next dat, when the storm had died down, Crusoe looked for his friends
    폭풍우가 크로소의 친구들이 죽었다
    All he could find were shoes and a hat
    그는 구두와 모자를 찾았다
  • 12.08.07
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(8)
    He totally alone
    그는 홀로였다
    "What will I do?" he wondered
    "무엇?" 그가 감탄을했다
  • 12.08.08
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(9)
    He decided to see what he could find on the ship
    결정적인것을 찾아냈다 그건 그의 배였다
    It was easy to reach, now the water was calm
    지금 물은 조용했다
  • 12.08.09
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(9)
    He found a rope hanging down and hauled himself aboard
    그는 자신의 밧줄로 배를 잡아끌었다
  • 12.08.10
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(9)
    He was so hungry, he headed straight for the storeroom
    그는 배가고팠다
    To his delight, the food was still dry
    식품이있어 기뻤다
  • 12.08.13
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(10)
    "I know!" he thought
    "알고있어" 그가 생각했다
    "I'll make a raft to carry things back to shore"
    "뗏목을 바다로 운반해 만들었다
  • 12.08.14
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(10)
    First, he tied four poles together
    첫번째로 그가 네개의 막데길로 같이
    With pieces of wood fixed across them, the raft was strong enough to stand on
    나무을 고정했다 그들의 뗏목 강해서 섰다
  • 12.08.15
    - 광복절
  • 12.08.15
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(11)
    Crusoe found lots of useful things on the wrecked ship: chests of food, barrels of rum, gunpowder and guns
    크로소 배에 쓸모있는 대형상자 식품 통에는 럼주,화약 있다
  • 12.08.16
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(11)
    He loaded up the raft with as much as it would hold and paddled back to the beach
    그가 뗏목으로 해변을갔다
  • 12.08.17
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(12)
    Cruson sailed to and fro on his raft, rescuing tools, plety of wood and some sails
    빵껍질은 그의 돛단배에있었다
  • 12.08.20
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(12)
    On one trip, he heard a strange noise
    그가 이상한 소리를 들었다
    Was it a bark? He looked around the ship
    짖는 소리였다 주위를 보았다
  • 12.08.21
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(12)
    Suddenly, the ship's dog bounded up to hin, followed by the two ship's cats
    갑자기 배에서 개와고양이가 따라왔다
  • 12.08.22
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(12)
    Crusoe was delighted
    크로소는 기뻐했다
    He wasn't completely alone after all
    그는 완전했다 다만 홀로였다
  • 12.08.23
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(13)
    Soon, Crusoe had enough things to make a home
    크로소는 손쉽게 집을 만들었다
    He found a sheltered spot by a cliff, looking out to sea
    그는 낭떠러지에 기초를 두고 피난장소를 지었다 피난장소는 바다가 보였다
  • 12.08.24
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(13)
    Using the ship's sails, he built a tent
    배 돛으로 텐트를 지었다
    Then he built a bigger tent over the top of it, to protect it from the rain
    큰 텐트라서 비에겐 보호가되었다
  • 12.08.27
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(14)
    At the back of the tent, there was a sandy cave
    텐트는 모래가있었고 동굴같았다
    "If I made the cave bigger, I could use it as a storeroom," Crusoe thought
    "아주큰 동굴을 만들거야 저장실로 만들거야" 크로소가 생각했다
  • 12.08.28
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(14)
    But he didn't have a shovel... "I'll make one out of wood!" he decided
    그러나 그는 삽이없어 삽을 만들었다
  • 12.08.29
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(15)
    He bug out some earth and sand
    그는 흙과 모래로
  • 12.08.30
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(15)
    soon, the cave was much bigger
    쉽게 큰 동굴을 만들었다
  • 12.08.31
    - (Chapter 2) The island home(15)
    Pleased with his wooden spade, he made shelves, a table and a chair
    그가 나무로 만든 삽이 마음에 들었다 그리고 선반,탁자,의자가 맘에들었다