상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2011년 2012년 2013년
1 2 3 4 5
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(25)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(25~26)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(26)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(26)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(27)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(27)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(28)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(28 ~29)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(27)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(30~31)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(31)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(31~32)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(32~33)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(33)
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(34~35)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(35)
(chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(36)
(chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(37~38)
(chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(38~39)
27 28 29 30 31    
부처님 오신 날
(chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(40)
(chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(41)
(chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(42~43)
  • 12.05.01
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(25)
    And you re all far too ugly to marry the king s daughter
    그리고 당신들은 멀리에서 추하게생겼다
    He stepped up to the barrel and just as quickly stepped back again
    그는 계단모양으로 올바르고 곧게 뒤를보면 다시
  • 12.05.02
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(25~26)
    Even the smell of fire water made him feel sick
    냄새맡았다 물을 만들었다고한다 그에게 병에 걸렸다고했다
    The other animals laughed at the leopard and he crept away in shame
    동물들이 모두와서 웃었다 표범 그리고 그는 부끄러워서 떨어져있었다
  • 12.05.03
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(26)
    Then a little voice piped up
    그때는 귀여운 목소리였어
    It was a ting monkey
  • 12.05.04
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(26)
    The animals stared at him
    동물들이 그를 빤히봤다
    How could he drink the water?
    어떻게 물을 마실수있을까?
  • 12.05.05
    - 어린이날
  • 12.05.07
    - 대체공휴일
  • 12.05.07
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(27)
    Naresh smiled
    You can tryif you want he said
    당신은 말했다 원한다면 시도할수있습니다
  • 12.05.08
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(27)
    But you must drink all the water and finish it today
    그러나 당신은 모든 물을 마시는것은 오늘 완료해야된다
    May i drink a little at a time with rests in between asked the monkey
    내가 사이에 달려있는 시간에 조금만 마셔도 원숭이가물었다
  • 12.05.09
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(27)
    Naresh was a fair king
    공정한 왕이였다
    Of course he said
    물론 그가 말했다
  • 12.05.10
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(28)
    So the tiny monkey climbed onto the barrel
    작은 원숭이가 통위에 올랐다
    The other animals gathered around grinning
    다른동물들은 좋다고웃어 주위에 모였다
  • 12.05.11
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(28 ~29)
    This was going to be funny
    이건 재미있엇다
    But the monkey seemed very sure of himself
    원숭이는 확신했다
    The monkey gulped a large mouthful of the fire water then ran off into the bushes
    원숭이는 물을 꿀덕뚤덕 큰한목음을 마셨다
    Where s he going? the other animals wondered
    그는 갈래? 동물옴 감탄을했다
  • 12.05.14
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(30~31)
    After a few moments the monkey was back
    순간 원숭이 순서가되는데 원숭이는 등을보였다
    He climbed up the side of the barrel took another gulp of fire water...and ran off to the bushes jush as he d done before
    그가 통쪽으로 올라가서 손을잡았다 다른하나의 불 물 그리고 유격병
  • 12.05.15
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(31)
    But Telingo the monkey had a secret
    원숭이 비밀이었다
    He wasn t alone Behind the bushes sat a whole tribe of monkeys who all lookey exactly the same
    그는 혼자서하고 다른 원숭이들은 뒤편 자리에 앉아있었다
  • 12.05.16
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(31~32)
    Each monkey took turns to drink some of the burning fire water
    원숭이 물좀 마시겠어요
    By the end of the day the barrel was empty
    오늘까지 통이 비었이다고
  • 12.05.17
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(32~33)
    the other animals were astonished
    다른동물들은 놀랐다
    Now i shall meet my bride said Telinga proudly
    지금 나의 신부를 만났어 자신감있게 말을했다
  • 12.05.18
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(33)
    The monkey stood before the old gorilla
    원숭이가 고릴라 앞에섰다
    Well done said Naresh
    잘했어요라고 말했다
    You have completed the task
    당신은 작업을 다했어요
    You may marry my dauhter
    But his daughter didn t look too pleased
    그러나 그의딸은 만족스럽지않았다
  • 12.05.21
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(34~35)
    Suddenly the giraffe gave a shout
    갑자기 기린이 함성
    He had seen something in the bushes! Telinga cheated! roared the animals
    그는 숲속에서 뭔가를 본적이없었다!동물들이 큰소리로 으르렁거렸다
    His friends have helped him!
    그의 친구들을 구해줬어!
    The monkeys didn t wait to hear any more
    원숭이가 돌아가신 하신을 듣고
    They ran off leaping into the trees to be out of reach
    그들은 범위밖으로 나무에 가지도않았다
    Monkeys have lived up in trees ever since
    원숭이는 그이후로 나무에 살지 않았다
    They re much too scared to come down
    그들은 무서워서 다시 내려왔다
  • 12.05.22
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(35)
    Monkeys have lived up in trees ever since
    원숭이는 그이후로 나무에 살지 않았다
    They re much too scared to come down
    그들은 무서워서 다시 내려왔다
  • 12.05.23
    - (chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(36)
    There was once a tlme when crocodiles lived on land not in the water
    악어가아니라 육지에서 살때가 목표라고했다
    One grumpy old crocodile lived near a river and lazed in the sun all day
    한 오래된 악어는 강이랑 가까운데있었다
  • 12.05.24
    - (chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(37~38)
    One day a baby rabbit hopped past looking for some tasty leaves
    어느날 아기 토끼는 어떤 맛있는 나뭇잎을 찾으로 과거로갔다
    Hollo! he called and woke up the crocodile The crocodile was furious
    큰소리로 외쳤다! 악어가 일어나보니 화가나있었다
    As the crocodile shut his eyes again the rabbit hopped closer
    악어가 다시 그의 눈을 감는것처럼 토끼가 가까이오는 것을
    He had spotted a bunch of fresh green leaves just by the crocodile s nose
    그는 악어의 코를 신록의 나뭇잎 뭉치를 발견했다
  • 12.05.25
    - (chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(38~39)
    With loud crunching he began to gobble them up
    그는 그들의 소리를 중얼거렸다
    The crocodile s eyes snapped open
    악어의 눈이 열였다
    Get away from those leaves he roared
    그는 큰소리로 으르렁 그 나뭇잎에서 떨어져있었다
    And he snapped at the rabbit with his enormous jaws
    그리고 그는 토끼가 심하게말을해서
  • 12.05.28
    - 부처님 오신 날
  • 12.05.29
    - (chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(40)
    The littie rabbit ran and ran
    토끼는 달리고 또달렸다
    He didn t stop until he reached his burrow
    그가 굴에서 멈추었다
    The crocodile nearly ate me! he told his mother
    악어는 거의 날먹었어!그는 그의 어머니에게 말을했다
    But i didn t do anything wrong
    하지만 나는 잘못한게있어요
  • 12.05.30
    - (chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(41)
    His monther was very angry
    그의 어머니가 매우 화가났다
    It s time that crocodile was taught a lesson she said firmly
    그녀는 시간이되어서 악어에대한 수업을했어요
    He s grumpy and lazy and it just won t do
    그는 까다로운 그리고 게이른 그리고 올바른
    Gathering the other rabbits together she told them she had a plam
    토끼들이 모였다 그녀를 함께
  • 12.05.31
    - (chapter 3) The rabbits and the crocodile(42~43)
    The next day the rabbits went into the woods
    나음날에 토끼들이 나무를모이고있엇다
    They collected branches twigs and leaves and stuffed them into a sack
    그들은 악어에게 복수를할라고 가지그리고 자루를모았다
    That s enough! said the rabbit s mother and they went off to find the crocodile
    토끼들은 충분히 모은다음 그들은 악어를 찾았다
    They didn t have to look far
    멀리서 바라봤다
    He was by the riverbank asleep as usual
    그가 잠들어있었다
    The rabbits crept closer
    토끼들은 살금살금 갔다
    Sneaking up they made a big circle of twigs leaves and branches around the crocodile
    악어에게 복수할라고 나뭇가지로 큰원을만들어 악어 주위에났다