상촌중학교 로고이미지


페이스북 공유하기 트위터 공유하기 카카오톡 공유하기 카카오스토리 공유하기 네이버밴드 공유하기 프린트하기
2011년 2012년 2013년
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(15~16)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(16)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(16)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(17)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(17)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(18)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(19)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(19)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(19)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(20)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(20~21)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(21)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(21)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(22)
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(22)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(23)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(23)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(24)
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(24)
29 30          
(chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(25)
  • 12.04.02
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(15~16)
    I'm safe! thought the rat
    쥐는 위험이 없다고 생각했다
    But the cat didn t give up so easily
    하지만 고양이는 쉽게 포기하지 않았다
  • 12.04.03
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(16)
    He peered into the hole
    그는 자세히살피다 들어갔다
    I'll wait for you rat! he called
    숨어서 쥐를 기다렸다
  • 12.04.04
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(16)
    you ll have to came out sometime
    너는 언젠가 나온다 라고하며
    So, he sat and he waited...and waited...and waited
    그는 그대로 기다리고 또기다리고 또기다렸다
  • 12.04.05
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(17)
    But the rat never came out
    쥐는 결코 나오지않았다
    She dug a tunnel all the way through the hill and ran out on the other side
    그녀는 터널으로 최대한많이넣었다 다른쪽 길로나왔다 그리고 달렸다
  • 12.04.06
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(17)
    And that is why today a cat will sit for hour upon hour upon hour waiting to pounce on a rat
    현제 고양이는 앉아서 한시간동안 기다렸다 쥐를
  • 12.04.09
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(18)
    Mang years ago the king of the jungle was a gorilla named Naresh
    정글의 왕인 고릴라가 전에
    All the animals wanted to marry his daughter but she didn t know who to choose
    모든 동물들이왔다 딸을찾는사람에게는 결혼을하게해준다
  • 12.04.10
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(19)
    One day Naresh spotted a big wooden barrel sitting on the grass
    하루가 지나고 나무로만든 큰 통을 풀위에 올려났다
    That s new he said and looked inside
    보며 안쪽으로 들어갔다
  • 12.04.12
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(19)
    The barrel was full of greasy water
    통에는 가득찬 기름과 물이었다
    Naresh took sip
  • 12.04.13
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(19)
    It tasted of fire
    계속 먹었다
    Fire water? he said.That might be useful
  • 12.04.16
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(20)
    Naresh took the barrel home and called the oter animals together
    가족 그리고 동물 함께
    I have a barrel of fire water he said
    통에있는 물을 그가말했었다
  • 12.04.17
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(20~21)
    And it will help us decide who s to marry my daughter
    딸을 도울것을 결심하였다
    The animals were very excited
    동물들이 매우 흥분하였다
  • 12.04.18
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(21)
    Everyone wanted to try
    모든사람은 모집했다
    They pushed and shoved closer to the barrel but the elephant got there first
    밀고 또 밀고 닫았다 코끼리는 첫번째였다
  • 12.04.19
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(21)
    Just watch
    정확하게 지켜보았다
    This will be easy! he boasted
    그는 쉽다고 자랑을했다
  • 12.04.20
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(22)
    The elephant dipped his trunk into the barrel
    코끼리는 줄기 한통을 담겼다
    He sucked up some fire water and... sneezed
    그는 물을 흡수를하여 재채기 를하였다
  • 12.04.23
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(22)
    Oww he snorted spraying water everywhere
    그가 콧김을 뿜으면 물보라가 친다 어디에서나
    It stings No one could drink that And he rushed off
    하나가 마시로 위치로 돌진하였다
  • 12.04.24
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(23)
    The hippopotamus tried next
    다음은 하마였다
    I live in the river and drink water all the time he said
    강하게 물을 마셨다 언제나
  • 12.04.25
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(23)
    Im not scared of a bit of fire water So he took a big mouthful...and almost choked
    겁먹어서 큰 한입 으로 물 작은조각
    He spat out the fire water and ran to the river to cool his mouth
    그는 알을 따뜻한곳에 난는다 그리고 서늘한 강에 난는다
  • 12.04.26
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(24)
    Next the warthog stepped forward
    다음으로 흑멧돼지가 계단모양으로 앞으로갔다
    I can eat or drink anything he bragged
    하는법을안다며 마시고 자랑을하였다
  • 12.04.27
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(24)
    He drank from the barrel and coughed
    그는 마셨다 그리고 기침 도했다
    Ugh! That s horrible! he shouted
    우 라고 무섭게 큰소리로외쳤다
  • 12.04.30
    - (chapter 2) why monkeys live in trees(25)
    What fools you are cried a voice
    당신들은 바보라고 울었다
    It was the leopard