상촌중학교 로고이미지


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2011년 2012년 2013년
1 2 3
(chapter 1) The cat and the rat(3)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(chapter 1) The cat and the rat(4)
(chapter 1) The cat and the rat(4)
(chapter 1) The cat and the rat(5)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(5)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(6)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(6~7)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(7)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(8)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(9)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(9)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(10)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(10)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(11)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(11)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(12)
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(12~13)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(13)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(14)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(14~15)
(chapter 1) Animal Legends(15)
  • 12.03.01
    - 삼일절
  • 12.03.02
    - (chapter 1) The cat and the rat(3)
    you might not believe it now,when cats chase rats and rats hate cats
    butlong ago,they were best friends.
    고양이가 쥐 를추격한다 그래서 쥐는 고양이를 싫어한다 옛날에는 그둘도 친한친구였다
  • 12.03.05
    - (chapter 1) The cat and the rat(4)
    one cat and rat lived very happily together on an island
    한명의 고양이 그리고 쥐가 행복하게 살았다
    the island had all they needed
    섬에서 오랜동안
  • 12.03.06
    - (chapter 1) The cat and the rat(4)
    there were birds for the cat to chase...and plenth of juich plants for the rat to nibble with her sharp front teeth
    고양이는 새를 추격했다 즙이많은 식물을 쥐를위해 날카로운 앞이빨로 갉았다
  • 12.03.07
    - (chapter 1) The cat and the rat(5)
    There was only one problem
    아무 문제가 없다
    there wasn t much else to do
  • 12.03.08
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(5)
    most days they were bored
    오늘은 최상급으로 지루했다
    then one morning the rat had an idea
    아침에 쥐가 생각했다
  • 12.03.09
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(6)
    the rat thought about it
    쥐는 생각을하였다
    how could they leave the island? then she twitched her whiskers and smiled
    어떤방법으로 이섬을 떠날수있을까? 그녀는 홱장아당기며 그여자를 위스크 그리고 미소를 지었다
  • 12.03.12
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(6~7)
    that s easy she said
    그녀는 쉬운일이었다고 말했다
    the rat gnawed at a tree until it toppled over...
    쥐는 나무를 갉고
  • 12.03.13
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(7)
    ...and the cat scratched out the inside of the trunk so they had somewhere to sit
    그리고 고양이는 할켰다 그것들을 모아 어딘가에 가져논다음 앉았다
  • 12.03.14
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(8)
    Finally, the rat nibbled two branches and made them into oars
    최종적으로 쥐는 두개의 가지를 만들어 그에게 가져갔다
    They were ready to go to sea
    준비가되고 바다로 갔다
  • 12.03.15
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(9)
    The cat stepped into the boat and took the oars
    고양이는 보트를 가지고갔다
    Then the rat pushed the boat out onto the waves
    쥐는 보트를 밀고 올라탔다
  • 12.03.16
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(9)
    Here goes! said the cat
    고양이가 말했다
    There s nothing to worry about said the rat Wellbe fine
    쥐한테 말을했다 훌룡해
  • 12.03.19
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(10)
    They rowed and rowed until it grew dark
    그리고 밤이되었다
    The cat wasso tired he fall asleep
    고양이는 피곤해서 잠이들었다
  • 12.03.20
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(10)
    But the felt hungry
    She was so hungry she began to nibble the side of the boat
    그녀는 배가고파서 보트 한쪽을 조금씩뜯어먹었다
  • 12.03.21
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(11)
    But she made such a noise she woke up the cat
    그녀가 먹는소리때매 고양이는 잠에서깨어났다
    Don t worry! squeaked the rat
    쥐는 걱정을하며 찍찍울어됬다
  • 12.03.22
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(11)
    You re dreaming
    So the cat went back to sleep
    고양이는 등뒤에서 자고있었다
  • 12.03.23
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(12)
    The rat was very greedy and kept on gnawing at the boat
    쥐는 보트를 간절히바라고있었다
    Munch...munch...munch... Suddenly she stopped
    갑자기 그녀가 멈추었다
  • 12.03.26
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(12~13)
    The rat had eaten so much,she'd made a hole in the boat
    쥐는 보트를 먹었다 그녀가 만든 구멍에서
    Water started to slosh up through the hole and the boat began to sink
    출발하는테 구멍에서 액체가 튀어올랐다
  • 12.03.27
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(13)
    the cat woke up with a start. lm wet! he squealed
    고양이가 깨는데 젖어있었다
  • 12.03.28
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(14)
    They had to leap from the boat and swim for their lives
    그들은 뛰어다녔다 보트에서 그리고 헤엄을쳤다 그들의 복수가시작되었다
    The cat was very angry.He hated getting wet
    고양이는 매우 화가났다 젖어서 몹시 싫어했다
  • 12.03.29
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(14~15)
    lm going to eat you when we get to shore! he spluttered
    난 우리가 해안가로 내리면 먹을거야
    The rat scrambled up the shore and ran to a sandhill
    쥐는 해안으로 뛰어갔다
  • 12.03.30
    - (chapter 1) Animal Legends(15)
    She dug a hole as fast as she could and dived into it
    그녀는 빠르게 구멍안으로 들어갔다
    The hole was too small for the cat to squeeze into
    고양이도 작은 구멍을보고 고양이도 들아갈라고했다