상촌중학교 로고이미지


페이스북 공유하기 트위터 공유하기 카카오톡 공유하기 카카오스토리 공유하기 네이버밴드 공유하기 프린트하기
2011년 2012년 2013년
1 2 3
(Chapter3) Nightmares(14~16)
(Chapter3) Nightmares(17~18)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Chapter3) Nightmares(19) (Chapter4) Detective work(20)
(Chapter4) Detective work(21~22)
(Chapter4) Detective work(23~24)
(Chapter4) Detective work(25)
(Chapter4) Detective work(25)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(Chapter4) Detective work(26~27)
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(28~29)
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(29)
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(30)
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(31)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(32~33)
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(33)
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(34~35)
(Chapter5) The house's secrets(35~38)
(Chapter6) The truth(39)
25 26 27 28 29 30  
(Chapter6) The truth(40)
(Chapter6) The truth(41)
(Chapter6) The truth(41~43)
(Chapter6) The truth(44~45)
(Chapter7) Finding the lake(46~48)
  • 12.11.01
    - (Chapter3) Nightmares(14~16)
    Seconds later, Ned and Kit found themselves back by the fire.
    두번째, 네드와 키트는 자기등을보았다
    "What's going on?" asked Kit.
    "무슨생각해?" 키트가물었다
    "No idea," said Ned, still shaking,
    "아무 생각안해" 네드가 말했다,
    "but I'm not staying down here!"
    "하지만 여기에 뭐물으고있으면 안되!"
    They went up to bed and tried to sleep.
    그들은 침대에가서 잠자는것을 시도해보았다
    Ned was nodding off, when something made him sit up with a jolt.
    무언가가 덜컹걸였다
    Had someone said his name?
    누군가와 이야기를했다 이름은?
    It was dark outside but a big, ornate mirror gleamed bright as bay.
    바깥쪽은 어두웠다, 잘꾸민 거울이 어렴풋한 빛으로 빛이났다
    He rubbed his eyes and looked at the reflection.
    그가 그의 귀를 눈을 문질렀다 그리고 봐라보았다
    It showed gis room as it must have been centurise ago.
    반사되어서 방이보였다
    A shiver went down Ned's spine as he realized his own reflection was missing.
    네드는 떨면서 나갔다 반사된되어서 그가 없어서
    He stared harder and the pale-faced boy from the carriage stared back.
    그의 얼굴이 창백해졌다 소년이 차타는것을 바라보았다
    Meanwhile, Kit was dreaming of ice cream in Mythika...
    키트는 꿈을꾸고 있었는데
    ...when angry voices woke her.
    화가난 여자목소리때문에 잠을깨었다
  • 12.11.02
    - (Chapter3) Nightmares(17~18)
    She could just make out two ghostly faces.
    그녀는 두명의 유령을 그렸다
    It was that horrible man - Mr.Hubble - and the sister of the poor boy he'd taken away.
    무서운 남자와 그의딸이었다
    As the voices grew louder, the figures became more real and Kit's room seemed to change.
    목서리가 시끄러웠다, 키트의 방이 바뀌었다
    The sister fled through a door that had appeared in the wall and the man chased after her.
    남자가 그여자를 쫓아가서 여자는 도망을쳤다
    "I must help," thought Kit, trying the door herself.
    "돕겠어" 키트가 생각했다,
    It opened onto an endless corridor
    끝없이 복도가 있어서
    Kit remembered the large stone building they'd seen earlier.
    키트는 생각했다 큰 건축이라고
    Was she inside it? Feeling scared but excited, she tiptoed on.
    그녀는 무서워했다
    She glanced across at a mirror and saw nothing.
    그녀는 대각선을 자기를 반사시켜보았다 아무것도 아니었다
    "It's as if I'm not really here," she whispered nervously.
    "아무것도 아니네" 그녀는 속삭였다
    "Maybe I'm a ghost in this house..."
    "어쩌면 이것은 유령의집일수도있어"
  • 12.11.05
    - (Chapter3) Nightmares(19) (Chapter4) Detective work(20)
    Kit was about to turn back when she heard a gifl crying.
    키트는 뒤를 돌아보았다 그녀의 말을 들었다
    "The sister needs me," she decided.
    "그는 반드시 나의 여동생이다," 그녀가 확실히 대답을했다
    Feeling braver, she raced on through doors and deserted rooms.
    감상이 훌륭했다, 그녀의 방을 보았다
    Finally, she entered a leafy greenhouse and stopped dead.
    그녀는 들어갔다 온실에서 멈추었다 왜냐하면 사람이 죽은듯있었다
    There stood the grim figure of Mr. Hubble.
    서서있었다 땡땡 아줌마같았다
    He slowly turned to face her and everything went dark.
    그가 천천히 돌아서 그여자의 얼굴을 보았다 모든것이 어두웠다
    It was already mind-morning when Ned woke up.
    마음은 아침이다 네드가 잠에서 일어났다
    He puzzled over his strange dream and looked up at the mirror.
    그가 꿈에서 거울에게 이상한 수수께기를내었다
    Aword had been scrawled in the dust on the glass.
    먼지가 휘같겨쓴 안경.
  • 12.11.06
    - (Chapter4) Detective work(21~22)
    The door handle turned and Ned let out a scream.
    현관의 손잡이를 잡고 돌려 네드가 외쳤다
    "It's only me," said Kit.
    "나는 유일해," 키트가 말했다
    "You'll never guess what's happened..."
    "너는 무슨일이 일어날지 추측해야되..."
    As they exchanged their spooky stories,
    그들은 무시무시한 이야기들을 주고받으며 이야기를했다.
    they made toast and hot chocolate,
    그들의 토스트와 뜨거운 초콜릿이 다만들어졌다
    before wandering out into the sunny garden.
    해볕이 잘드는 밖았에있는 정원에서
    "We can't both have been dreaming," said Kit between slurps.
    "우리는 꿈을 꿀수있어," 키트가 말했다
    "But what were we seeing?" said Ned.
    "우리가 볼수있을까?" 네드가 말했다.
    "Shadows from the past?"
    "그림자가 지나갔지?
    "I'm not sure," replied Kit,
    "아니," 키트가 대답했다.
    "but want to find out more about the house
    "그러면 내가 찾은것은 뭐였지
    Let's see if someone in town knows something."
    누군가가 보고있는것같다
    It was market day, so Hallows-on-the-Hill was busier than usual.
    시장에 모이는날, 신선하고 깨끗해요
  • 12.11.07
    - (Chapter4) Detective work(23~24)
    First, Kit and Ned went into a mini supermarket.
    첫번째로 키트와 네드는 미니마트 안으로 들어갔다
    "We've just moved into Hallows Grange," Ned said cheerfully,
    "우리는 올바르게 움직여야대" 네드가 기분좋게 말했다
    as he paid for some Mango Melts.
    그가 망고를 사서 녹였다
    There was a shocked gasp.
    충격이어서 숨이차올랐다.
    Worried customers scuttled away and the shopkeeper hastily
    걱정이되어 손님과 가게주인이 멀리 떨어져있었다
    announced that he was closed.
    닫혔서 알리려고
    "He wasn't very friendly!" said Kit
    "그는 매우 친해" 키트가 말했다
    as they wandered off.
    앞에서 헤메고 있었다
    "Let's see if we have more luck in this cafe."
    "우리가 커피점에 더많은 운을가져올거야"
    Perched on stools, they asked instead on stools,
    높은 지대 위에 걸상을했다, 그들은 그보다 더 위에 걸상을해노았다
    they asked instead if anyone knew the old man with a walking stick.
    그들은 알고있었다 늙은 남자가 걸을때 막대기를 사용하는것을
    But the cafe staff just had more questions.
    그러나 커피점에있는 공평한것이다
  • 12.11.08
    - (Chapter4) Detective work(25)
    The two young detectives headed home none the wiser.
    어린 두명의 탐정이 집으로갔는데 아무도 없었다
    "Ned? Kit? called a soft voice.
    "네드? 키트? 부드러운 목소리를 우리를 부르고있었다
    "Were you looking for me?"
    "당신이 저를 보았어요?
  • 12.11.09
    - (Chapter4) Detective work(25)
    They recognized the old man - but how did he know their names?
    늙은 남자가 그들의 이름을 알고있었다
    "I'm Amos Goodfellow," he continued.
    "아모스는 착한사람이야,"
    "I believe you've seen the house of shadows."
    "믿어 당신들의 집은 어두워,
  • 12.11.12
    - (Chapter4) Detective work(26~27)
    They nodded and listened silentiy to Mr. Goodfellow, as an amazing story unfolded.
    그들은 끄덕였다 그리고 조용히 착한사람같은사람에게 놀라운 이야기를 들었다
    "Long ago, this house was owned by the Golightly family.
    "예전에 그가족 집에 가면
    They were kind landowners who held parties for everyone in the town."
    모든 사람들이 그들의 파티에 참가했대"
    "But everything changed when cruel Mr. Hubble took over under mysterious circumstances..."
    "그러나 모든사람들이 땡땡씨의 참석한것이 아니라 밑에서 신비한 현상때문에"
    "Both he and the house were haunted by shadows.
    "그사람의 양쪽집은 도깨비 그림자가 있어.
    One day, there was a terrible fire.
    어느날, 거기에 무섭게 불이났어.
    Only tour wing of the house survived.
    유일하게 그집은 남았어
    But at night, the shadows still come."
    하지만 밤에 그림자가 왔어
    Kit wanted to ask more about the shadows, but Amos had gone.
    키트는 그림자를 사라지게했다
  • 12.11.13
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(28~29)
    Kit and Ned walked home, more confused than ever.
    키트와 네드는 걸어서 집으로갔다, 언제나 당황스럽다.
    As they reached the house, a curtain twitched.
    그들의 집의 커튼을 홱 잡아당겼다
    "Stop right there!" Kit yelled ay a fleeting shadow.
    "거기서 멈춰!" 키트가 외쳤다
    "I'm going to get to the bottom of this."
    "나는 그쪽으로 가는데에서 이것을"
    Ned watched her run off.
    네드는 망을보다가 뛰어서 그여자와 멀리떨어졌다
    "She's braver than me!" he thought.
    "그녀는 용감해!" 그가 생각했다
  • 12.11.14
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(29)
    Creeping into the kitchen, he found Kit, red with embarrassment, and a friendly woman serving up a delicious-smelling soup
    살며시 부엌으로갔다 여자가 맛있는 음식을 차렸났다 수프의 냄새가 좋았다 키트는 와 친구는 당황했다
    "I'm Tilda Daly," she said before Ned could ask.
    "나는 스페인의 댈리," 그녀가말했다 앞에있는 네드가 물었다
    "Your parents asked me to pop in while they're away."
    "너의 아버지에게 물었다"
  • 12.11.15
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(30)
    After Mrs. Daly had gone, Kit and Ned clambered up to the attic.
    나중에 댈리씨는 갔다
    "Why didn't we think of looking up here before?" said Ned
    "왜 여기라고 보여여? 네드가 애기했다
  • 12.11.16
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(31)
    Kit found an old chest, with its heavy lid already open.
    키트는 낡은 대형상자를 열었다
    "It's as if someone wants us to see inside!" she said.
    "누군가가 이것을 탐을냈다 안쪽을 봐봐!" 그녀가 말했다
    "Let's see if these papers explain what's going on.?"
    "분명 이것들은 종이야 왜위에다 놓았을까?"
  • 12.11.19
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(32~33)
    Ned and Kit started reading, but it was tricky piecing together the pasy.
    네드와 키트는 독서로 출발했다 그러나 속이고 있었다
    Then the mists began swirling again.
    그때는 다시 시작하고있었다
    The house was about to reveal more shadows...
    집에 그림자가 나타났다...
    The brother and sister were in the garden, speaking in hushed voices.
    오빠와 여동생은 마당에서 조용한 목소리로 애기하고 있었다
    Kit and Ned listened eagerly.
    키트와 네드는 귀를 귀울렸다
    "Catherine, I can't believe our luck," said the boy, quietly.
    "내 운을 믿으면 할수있어," 남자가 조용히 말했다
    "The key to Father's safe was just lying on the dining room table! Now I can get my money and you can use it to escape."
    열쇠는 아버지한테있어 안전해 지금 내방의 탁자에있어"
  • 12.11.20
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(33)
    "Oh Edward, thank you," replied Catherine,
    "오 에드워드 고마워" 대답했다
    "I just wish mother," said Edward.
    "너의 엄마를 바랄께" 에드워드가 애기했다
    "We can't let Hubble drive us all from our home."
    "우리가 할수있는것은 모든집을 들어가보는거야."
  • 12.11.21
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(34~35)
    Edward headed into the house.
    에드워드는 집안으로
    "Let's follow him!" whispered Kit.
    "쫓아가는것을 그에게 시키고있어" 키트가 속삭였다
    Key in hand, Edward entered a study and unlocked a secret safe in the wall.
    키는손에, 에드워드는 공부를 하는척 하면서 모르게 자물쇠를 안전하게 벽에다두었다
    As he counted his father's coins, Ned caught sight of Hubble, hiding behind a chair.
    그가 그의 아버지의 돈을 세렸다, 네드는 의자뒤에 몸을 숨켰다
    Mist shrouded the room, before revealing anoter scene.
    앞에 안개의 방이있었다
    Hubble was accusing Edward of theft.
    에드워드는 도독질을 할라고했다
  • 12.11.22
    - (Chapter5) The house's secrets(35~38)
    "It was a trap!" yelled Ned, but only Kit could hear him.
    "함정!" 네드가 고함쳤다, 그러나 키트밖에 못들었다
    The mist swirled up again, taking them back to the study.
    안개가 다시왔다, 뒤로 가고십었다
    This time, sneaky Hubble was removing a green-edged document from a drawer and replacing it with one from inside his coat.
    몰래 움직여 안쪽에 있는 문서를 바꾼다음에 그자리에 놓고
    Finally, the mist brought Ned and Kit back to their own time.
    가져왔다 네드와 키트가 돌아갔다
    They were in the attic again and an old newspaper cutting lay at their feet.
    다시 그들은 오래된 신문을 가로로눕히고
    They began to read.
    읽기 시작했다
    "The medusa!" gasped Kit, remembering a newspaper article in the chest.
    "메두사!" 헐떡거리는 키트, 신문, 상자를 생각했다
    "It sank, so poor Edward must have drowned..."
    "에드워드가 불쌍해..."
    A gust of air blew another piece of paper onto Ned's lap.
    돌풍이 불어 다른 하나의 종이 조각이 위로
    "It's the drawer," said Ned
    "제도사" 네드가 애기했다
    "If this is Lord Golightly's real will," whispered Kit, "the one in the chest must be a fake!"
    "진짜로 군주야" 키트가 속삭였다, "한개의 대형상자!"
  • 12.11.23
    - (Chapter6) The truth(39)
    The shadows hadn't finished telling their story.
    그림자는 아직도 있다 그들이 애기를한다
    More mist came and went, unveiling a lawyer speaking after Lord Golightly's death.
    안개는 다시올것이다라고 변호사가 말했다
    He was reading from the fake will
    그가 책을읽으면 만들어낸것이다
  • 12.11.26
    - (Chapter6) The truth(40)
    "But how did Lord Golightly did?" whispered Ned
    "그러나 군주는 어떻게? 네드가 속삭였다
    The next scene told him the answer.
    다음 장면이 나오고 그들은 대화를 했다.
    "There was a letter to in that old chest," said Kit
    "글자가 오래됬어" 키트가 말했다
    "Did Hubble really pay him to get rid of Lord Golightly? That's terribble!"
    "정말로 그에게 치를검니까 군주님?
  • 12.11.27
    - (Chapter6) The truth(41)
    A now familiar swirling sensation took Kit and Ned back to the study, where Hubble sat at the desk.
    지금은 네드와 키트는 감각을 잡고 뒤를 돌아서 책상에 앉은다음에 공부하는 척을했다.
  • 12.11.28
    - (Chapter6) The truth(41~43)
    "This is all too confusing," hissed Ned
    "이것이 모두를 혼란시키게 하는게야," 네드가 쉿소리로 말했다
    His ghostly presence made Hubble wince.
    유령의 존재는 만들어진것이다
    "I'm haunted by echoes," Hubble muttered, as he scribbled notes in a leather-bound book.
    "귀신이 가까이있어" 소동을 중얼거려서 책에 낙서를했다
    "It's his diary!" whispered Kit.
    "그의 일기!" 키트가 속삭였다
    She peered closer to read it.
    그녀가 읽다가 닫았다
    Suddenly, Hubble jumped to his feet, sending Kit and Ned back into the shadow.
    갑자기 소동이일어나면서 그림자가
    "My son, Gervase, will marry Catherine, whether she likes it or not!" he exclaimed.
    "나의 아들거베이스!" 그가 외쳤다
  • 12.11.29
    - (Chapter6) The truth(44~45)
    There was a knock at the door and a servant came in.
    유리창을 두드리면서 문에있는 하인을 오라했다
    Hubble tore open the letter and clasped his head in despair.
    편지를 열고 절망했다
    "No one must ever know!" he screamed
    "안되 다알고있어!" 그가 소리쳤다
    Ned grabbed the letter as it flooted to the ground.
    네드가 편지를 움켜잡았다
    Eagerly, he and Kit read it
    그랑 키트가 읽었다
    "It's from Mythika!" cried Kit.
    "미시카!" 키트가 소리쳤다
    Then they noticed Hubble staring at them - or rather, at the letter.
    그다음에 그들은 오히려 편지에 주목했다.
    He couldn't see Ned's hand and thought the letter was floating!
    그가 네드를 보며 편지가 떠있다고 생각했다.
  • 12.11.30
    - (Chapter7) Finding the lake(46~48)
    Everything blurred and grew misty.
    모든것이 흐려보이고 안개가껴있다
    When it cleared, Kit and Ned were back in their own time and downstairs.
    키트와 네드는 뒤를돌아 아래층으로 내려갔다
    "I'm exhausted!" cried Kit.
    "다썼어!" 키트가 소리쳤다
    "Why are we being shown all this?"
    "어째서 그것이 보이지?"
    With a sudden crackle, the TV came on.
    깝자기 딱딱 하는소리가나서 TV 쪽으로갔다
    Three ghostly figures appeared on the screen - Hubble, his son Gervase and Amos.
    스크린에 3명의 유령이 나타났다, 그의 아들인 거베이스와 아모스였다
    A shrill ringing noise made Kit and Ned jump.
    높은 소리가 나서 키트와 네드는 뛰어올랐다.
    But it was only their mother phoning from Mythika.
    그러나 미시카가 전화를 한것이었다.
    The line was really bad.
    선이 정말로 나빴다
    All Kit could make our was something about their great grandfather changing his name from Golightly to Light
    키트는 무언가에대해 할아버지에게 변명을 하고있다.
    "Ned!" cried Kit.
    "네드!" 키트가 소리쳤다
    "We're related to the Golightlys!"
    "우리는 관련이 없어요!"