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2012년 2013년 2014년
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Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
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Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
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Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
Gulliver's Travels(P.45)
Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
Gulliver's Travels(P.46,47)
Gulliver's Travels(P.46)
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Gulliver's Travels(P.48)
Gulliver's Travels(P.49)
Gulliver's Travels(P.49)
Gulliver's Travels(P.50)
Gulliver's Travels(P.50)
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Gulliver's Travels(P.51)
Gulliver's Travels(P.51)
Gulliver's Travels(P.52)
Gulliver's Travels(P.52)
Gulliver's Travels(P.52)
  • 13.08.01
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
    This made the emperor cross.
    -이것은 만들어진 황제의 십자형이었다.
  • 13.08.02
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
    Then some messengers arrived from Blefescu,hoping to make peace.
    -그때 사자가 도착했다, 만들어진 평화를 바랐다.
  • 13.08.05
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
    When they met Gulliver, they invited him for a visit.
    -걸리버 언제 그들을,그들을 초청하다 그를 방문했다.
  • 13.08.06
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
    This made the emperor furious.
    -이것은 황제를 성나게했다.
    "Hrmph,"he said, crossly.
    -그가 옆으로 말했다.
  • 13.08.07
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.43)
    I suppose you can go.
    -나는 상상하다 당신은 갔다.
    If you must."
    -당신은 해야했다
  • 13.08.08
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
    Gulliver thought he'd better stay in Lilliput and try to keep the
    emperor happy.
    -걸리버는 생각했다 그는 보다 좋은 소은국에 머무르고 그리고 제왕의 행운을 해봤다
  • 13.08.09
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
    He stayed quietly in his temple until, one night,he was wolen by
    -그가 머물렀다 조용한 그의 신전에,밤의 그가 큰소리로 냈다.
  • 13.08.12
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
    "HELP! Gulliver! The palace is on fire!"
    -"돕다! 걸리버 궁전의 불"!
  • 13.08.13
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.45)
    people were frantically fighting the fire, but flames were licking the
    -사람들은 미친듯이 불이랑 싸웠다,하지만 불길은 지붕
  • 13.08.14
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.44)
    Gulliver, who was taller than the tallest ladder, threw water over the palace to save it.
    -걸리버 누구 키큰 키큰사닥다리 내던지다 물 궁전에 구했다
  • 13.08.15
    - 광복절
  • 13.08.15
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.46)
    After this, the emperor was happy again for a while.
    -뒤에 이것,황제 행운 다시
    Gulliver began to enjoy life, although he kept thinking of hoem.
    -걸리버 생명을 즐기기 시작했다, 하지만 그는 생각하는 사람이다.
    But most people were vere very kind to him.
    -하지만 가장큰 사람들 대단한 종류의 그를
  • 13.08.16
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.46,47)
    Three hundred tailors made him a new blue suit... and therr hundred
    chefs cooked him tasty meals every day.
    -300의 재봉사 만들어진 그를 푸른 소송... 그리고 300의 요리사가 풍미있는식사 낮에 요리했다
  • 13.08.19
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.48)
    One evening, the emperor even visited Gulliver with his family.
    -한사람의 저녁 황제 방문하다 걸리버 그의 가족
    They all sat aown to a wonderful feast at Gulliver's table.
    -그들 모든 앉다 이상 축제 걸리버 테이블.
  • 13.08.20
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.49)
    But Gulliver's problems didn't go away.
    -하지만 걸리버 문제 가다 떨어져서.
    Flimnap, who was in charge of the emperor's money, didn't like Gulliver.
    -누구 짐을 싣다 황제 돈 좋아하다 걸리버.
  • 13.08.21
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.49)
    He said he cost too much.
    -그가 다량의 가격에 극 말했다.
    The emperor listened wo what Flimnap said.
    -황제 귀기울이다 무엇을 말했다.
    It was true. gulliver was very expensiver.
    -그것은 진실한.걸리버 대단히 갑비싼.
  • 13.08.22
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.50)
    Late one night, Gulliver had a visitor, an important noble from the palace.
    -늦은밤,걸리버 방문자, 중요한 고귀한 궁전.
    He kept his face hidden.
    -그가 계속하다 그의 얼굴 비밀.
  • 13.08.23
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.50)
    He had come with a warning.
    "Flimnap is turning everyone against you."
  • 13.08.26
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.51)
    "Your enemies have written a list of your crimes.
    -당신들 적 쓰다 목록 당신들의 죄.
    They say you're a traitor," he said.
    -그들 말하다 당신을 배반자," 그가 말했다.
  • 13.08.27
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.51)
    "Even worse, they say you're plotting against the emperor.
    -보다 나쁜 그들 말하다 당신을
    They want you killed."
    -그들 탐내다 당신의
  • 13.08.28
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.52)
    "Flimnap wants to set your temple on fire and shoot poisoned arrows at you!"
    -탐내다 두다 당신의 신전 불 그리고 쏘다 독화살 당신에
    Gulliver turned pale.
    -걸리버 얼굴이 창백해졌다.
  • 13.08.29
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.52)
    "Not all of the nobles want to kill you," the man added.
    -모든 귀족 탐내다 죽이다 당신을,"남자 더하다
    "Some say you should only be blinded."
  • 13.08.30
    - Gulliver's Travels(P.52)
    "But even the emperor wants to give you less food, to save money.
    -하지만 황제 탐내다 주다 당신의 더적은 식량
    Yon must leave. Now!"