일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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The Story of Castles ( 36 )page
The Story of Castles ( 37~39 )page
The Story of Castles ( 37 )page
The Story of Castles ( 37 )page
The Story of Castles ( 37 )page
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The Story of Castles ( 38 )page
The Story of Castles ( 39 )page
The Story of Castles ( 40 )page
The Story of Castles ( 40 )page
The Story of Castles ( 41 )page
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The Story of Castles ( 41 )page
The Story of Castles ( 42 )page
The Story of Castles ( 44 )page
The Story of Castles ( 44~45 )page
The Story of Castles ( 46 )page
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The Story of Castles ( 47 )page
The Story of Castles ( 48 )page
The Story of Castles ( 48 )page
The Story of Castles ( 48 )page
The Story of Castles ( 49 )page
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The Story of Castles ( 49 )page
The Story of Castles ( 50 )page
The Story of Castles ( 51 )page
- 13.07.01
- The Story of Castles ( 36 )page
- Chapter 4
The new castles
새로운 성
Knights who had been fighting wars abroad were returning with stories of an amazing wall.
외국 전쟁에서 싸웠던 기사들이 웅장한 성벽 구상도를 가지고 돌아왔다.
This was actually three walls,one in front of the other.
사실은 세개의 벽이었다,하나는 다른것 앞에 있었다.
- 13.07.02
- The Story of Castles ( 37~39 )page
- Castle builders may well have heard the knights' tales,
성 건축자는 아마도 기사들의 이야기를 들었을 것이다,
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- The Story of Castles ( 37 )page
- because the next castles to be built had walls within walls.
이번 성이 벽들 안쪽에 벽이있게 지어졌기 때문이다.
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- The Story of Castles ( 37 )page
- Now,life was twice as hard for any attackers trying to break in.
두배나 더 단단해져서 공격자들이 부수기 어려울 것이다.
- 13.07.05
- The Story of Castles ( 37 )page
- Even better,from the lord's point of view,he had two rows of soldiers firing arrows at the enemy.
더 잘하면 장군의 관점에서,군인들을 두줄로 세워서 활을 적을 쏠 수 있을것이다.
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- The Story of Castles ( 38 )page
- These latest castles were better inside as well.
최근의 성 안쪽은 더 훌륭해졌다.
The extra walls had lots of towers,all with rooms,so visitors could stay.
특별히 벽이 많은 탑,모든 방에,방문객들이 머물 수 있다.
- 13.07.09
- The Story of Castles ( 39 )page
- Even without guests,space was useful because enough people lived in a castle to fill a village.
손님들이 없어도,이 공간에 마을 사람들을 채워도 사람들이 충분히 살 수 있기 때문이다.
There were the lord,his wife and children,the lord's servants,the lady's maids and the children's nurse.
그곳에 장군의 아내와 아이들,장군의 하인,아가씨들과 아이들의 보모가 있었다.
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- The Story of Castles ( 40 )page
- Then there were the lord's right-hand men,his stewards.
장군의 오른손인 간사들이 있었다.
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- The Story of Castles ( 40 )page
- They took charge of cooks,clerks,carpenters,cleaners,ushers,gardeners and grooms.
그들은 요리사,서기,목수,안내원,정원사 그리고 노예를 떠맡았다.
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- The Story of Castles ( 41 )page
- There was a constable to take charge of the castle if the lord was away and boss the knights around.
그곳 경찰관은
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- The Story of Castles ( 41 )page
- And there were blacksmiths to make weapons,carpenters to build and fix furniture,and huntsmen to catch food.
그리고 그곳 대장간에서 무기를 만들고,목수는 건물을 세우고 가구를 고쳤다,그리고 사냥꾼은 먹잇감을 잡았다.
- 13.07.16
- The Story of Castles ( 42 )page
- In fact, nearly everything the lord needed could be found within the castle walls.
사실은,거의 모든것을 성 벽내에 건설했다.
- 13.07.17
- The Story of Castles ( 44 )page
- At time went on,lords began to want more comfort and filled their castles with grand furniture.
시간이 흐를수록,장군은 더 편안해지고 싶어서 성에 가구점을 건설했다.
The fancier castles even had carpets - but only hanging on the walls.
심지어 성까지 카펫을 깔고 싶어 했다 - 하지만 오직 벽에만 달려있다.
- 13.07.18
- The Story of Castles ( 44~45 )page
- And in the gardens,ladies grew flowers as well as vegetables.
그리고 정원에서,여자들이 꽃들과 채소들을 키웠다.
But no one ever forgot a castle's main purpose was to defend against attack.
하지만 공격에 대비하여 성을 방어할 주요목적을 항상 잊으면 안된다.
Chapter 5
Under attack!
Every so often,one lord would take a liking to another lord's castle - and its land - and try to take them by force.
가끔,장군은 다른 장군들의 성이 마음에 들었다 - 그리고 그 땅 - 그리고 그들의 힘을 가지고 싶었다.
- 13.07.19
- The Story of Castles ( 46 )page
- His attackers fired arrows and bolts from enormous crossbows.
그는 공격자들을 활로 쏘고 거대한 석궁으로도 쏘았다.
Up in the castle,knights would throw every missile they could get their hands on.
성으로 올라와서,기사들은 모든 유도탄을 손으로 움직여 그들에게 던졌다.
- 13.07.22
- The Story of Castles ( 47 )page
- But,if the enemy surrounded the castle and refused to budge,the people inside were stuck.
하지만,적들이 성을 둘러싸고 꼼짝도 하지않는다면,안에있는 사람들은 움직일 수 없을것이다.
- 13.07.23
- The Story of Castles ( 48 )page
- The attackers were determined to get into the castle somehow.
공격자들이 어떻게든 성안으로 들어올것이다.
One knight even climbed up a toilet chute to let his friends in.
한 기사가 화장실까지 올라가서 그의 친구들을 떨어뜨렸다.
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- Knights also dug tunnels under the walls to get inside.
기사들은 천정이있는 터널을 팠다.
To get into Rochester Castle,King John of England filled a tunnel with forty dead pigs.
로체스터 성 안에 들어가서,영국의 존 왕은 터널에 사십마리의 죽은 돼지를 가득 채웠다.
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- When these were set on fire,the blaze brought down the tunnel and a chunk of castle wall.
그곳에 불을 질러서,터널이 활활 타버렸고 성벽의 덩어리가 되었다.
- 13.07.26
- The Story of Castles ( 49 )page
- Knights inside a castle put bowls of water on the ground floor.
기사들은 성 안의 1층에서 물을 담았다.
Anyone seeing a ripple on the surface of the water shouted the alarm.
누구나 수면의 물결을 보고 위험을 알릴 수 있었다.
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- The Story of Castles ( 49 )page
- Ripples meant the enemy was digging underfoot.
물결은 적들이 땅밑에 있다는 것을 뜻한다.
The knights started on their own tunnel at once,ready to fight it out underground.
기사들은 즉시 지하 터널에서 싸울 준비를 했다.
- 13.07.30
- The Story of Castles ( 50 )page
- A trapped lord was always worried that his food or water would run out.
장군은 음식과 물이 다 떨어져서 항상 걱정했다.
So,secret passages were often built into castles,which let servants sneak in with supplies.
그리고,비밀 통로들이 자주 만들어졌다,그곳에서 하인들이 보급품들을 몰래 챙겼다.
- 13.07.31
- The Story of Castles ( 51 )page
- A lord could also use the passage to send his knights on a surprise attack.
장군도 통로를 통해 그의 기사들을 보내 기습을 했다.
Once,a spy discovered that the enemy soldiers all sat down to dinner at the same time,leaving no one on guard.
한 번,저녁식사를 하려고 앉을 때 적군들을 발견했다,방어를 할 수 없었다.
The castle knights rushed out and attacked the men as they ate.
성 기사들은 뛰쳐 나가고 그들은 먹으면서 공격을 했다.