일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | ||||
The Story of Chocolate (P34)
The Story of Chocolate (P34)
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
The Story of Chocolate (P35)
The Story of Chocolate (P35)
The Story of Chocolate (P36)
The Story of Chocolate (P36)
The Story of Chocolate (P36)
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
The Story of Chocolate (P36)
The Story of Chocolate (P37)
The Story of Chocolate (P37)
The Story of Chocolate (P37)
The Story of Chocolate (P37)
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
The Story of Chocolate (P38)
The Story of Chocolate (P38)
The Story of Chocolate (P38)
The Story of Chocolate (P39)
The Story of Chocolate (P39)
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
The Story of Chocolate (P39)
The Story of Chocolate (P39)
The Story of Chocolate (P40)
The Story of Chocolate (P40)
The Story of Chocolate (P40)
- 13.08.01
- The Story of Chocolate (P34)
- Chapter 5
Tasty inventions
By the 20th century, people had learned how to make milk chocolate smoother, creamier and even more tasty.
20세기 때, 사람들은 어떻게 우유초콜릿을 만드는법과 크림을 더 맛있게 만드는법 조차 배웠다.
- 13.08.02
- The Story of Chocolate (P34)
- We still use the same methods today.
우리는 여전히 오늘날도 같은 방법을쓴다.
- 13.08.05
- The Story of Chocolate (P35)
- First, the chocolate mixture is put through heavy rollers, to squeeze out lump.
첫번째, 초콜릿 혼합물을 롤러 사이에 많이 넣고, 덩어리를 짜낸다.
- 13.08.06
- The Story of Chocolate (P35)
- Then an enormous vat, invented by Rodolphe Lindt, is used to blend the mixture into a smooth, velvety paste.
그럼 통에 거대한있다, Rodolphe Lindt가 발명했다, 반죽을 매끄럽게 잘 섞으면, 아주부드러운 반죽이 된다.
- 13.08.07
- The Story of Chocolate (P36)
- The Chocolate is cooled and warmed and cooled and warmed until it has a glossy shine.
초콜릿을 차갑게하고 따뜻하게하고 차갑게하고 따뜻하게를 그것이 윤이나서 반짝일때까지 한다.
- 13.08.08
- The Story of Chocolate (P36)
- Finally, it is poured into trays to set.
드디어, 그것을 쟁반안에 붓는다.
- 13.08.09
- The Story of Chocolate (P36)
- For years, eating-chocolate was only made in solid bars.
수년간, 초콜릿을 오직 단단한바 로 만들어서 먹었다.
- 13.08.12
- The Story of Chocolate (P36)
- But Milton Hershey, an American chocolate maker, thought bar were boring.
그러나 미국의 초콜릿만드는 Milton Hershey이 심심해서 새로운 바를 생각했다.
- 13.08.13
- The Story of Chocolate (P37)
- In 1907, he tried squirting glossy chocolate into little peaks.
1907년에, 그는 윤이나는초콜릿을 작은피크안에 넣어서 짜낼려고 했다.
- 13.08.14
- The Story of Chocolate (P37)
- When the peaks hardened, he wrapped each one in foil to make them look more exciting.
피크가 굳어질때, 그가 각각한개씩 만드것을 포장하는것을 그들이 보고 더 신났다.
- 13.08.15
- 광복절
- 13.08.15
- The Story of Chocolate (P37)
- "I'll call them "kisses". Then will want one!"
"내가 그걸 "키세스"라고 부를거야. 그러면 이걸 원할거야!"
- 13.08.16
- The Story of Chocolate (P37)
- It wasn't long before factories were making chocolates in all shapes and sizes.
그것은 오래전 공장에서 만드는 초콜릿 모양과 크기도 다르다.
- 13.08.19
- The Story of Chocolate (P38)
- The next challenge was to mix chocolate with other scrumptious ingredients.
그다음은 초콜릿을 아주맛있재료와 섞는 도전이다.
- 13.08.20
- The Story of Chocolate (P38)
- In 1912, an American candy maker called Howell Campbell was feeling adventurous.
1912년에, Howell Campbell이라는 미국의 사탕만드는사람이 모험심이 있었다.
- 13.08.21
- The Story of Chocolate (P38)
- He stirred peanuts, caramel and marshmallows into glossy, melted chocolate.
그는 견과류와 캐러멜과 마시멜로를 윤이나게 섞었고, 초콜릿을 녹였다.
- 13.08.22
- The Story of Chocolate (P39)
- Then, he spooned gooey blobs of the mixturn onto a tray.
그다음에, 그는 숟가락으로 접시에 부드럽고 끈적거리는것과 반죽을 놓았다.
As the chocolate set, the blobs hardened and Campbell took his first bite.
초콜릿을 두고, 끈적거리는것을 굳히고 Campbell에게 가져가서 그가 첫번째로 먹었다.
- 13.08.23
- The Story of Chocolate (P39)
- "It's deliciously gooey!"
"부드럽고 끈적거리는데 맛있다!"
- 13.08.26
- The Story of Chocolate (P39)
- He called his invention the Goo Goo Cluster.
그는 그가 발명한것을 Goo Goo Cluster라고 불렀다.
- 13.08.27
- The Story of Chocolate (P39)
- It was one of the first mixed chocolate snacks, and an instant success.
그것은 혼합된 초콜릿을 하나를 첫번째로 간식으로 먹었다,그리고 즉각 성공했다.
- 13.08.28
- The Story of Chocolate (P40)
- That same year, a Belgian Chocolate maker, Jean Neuhaus, made another leap in chocolate history.
그 같은 시간에, 벨기에 초콜릿만드는사람 Jean Neuhaus이 초콜릿역사에 다른것을 만들어서 급증했다.
- 13.08.29
- The Story of Chocolate (P40)
- He invented hard chocoalte shells that could hold soft fillings.
그는 단단한 초콜릿 껍대기에 속은 부드럽게 유지할수잇었다.
- 13.08.30
- The Story of Chocolate (P40)
- After stuffing them with a creamy, nutty mix, he sealed them up with more chocolate.
크림과 견과류를 속에 넣고 석고, 그는 그들과 더 초콜릿을 넣고 밀봉을한다.