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2012년 2013년 2014년
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The Story of Chocolate (P23),(P24),(P25)
The Story of Chocolate (P25), (P26)
The Story of Chocolate (P26)
The Story of Chocolate (P26)
The Story of Chocolate (P27)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
The Story of Chocolate (P27)
The Story of Chocolate (P28)
The Story of Chocolate (P28)
The Story of Chocolate (P28)
The Story of Chocolate (P28)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
The Story of Chocolate (P29)
The Story of Chocolate (P29)
The Story of Chocolate (P29)
The Story of Chocolate (P29),(P30)
The Story of Chocolate (P31)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
The Story of Chocolate (P31)
The Story of Chocolate (P31)
The Story of Chocolate (P32)
The Story of Chocolate (P32)
The Story of Chocolate (P32)
28 29 30 31      
The Story of Chocolate (P33)
The Story of Chocolate (P33)
The Story of Chocolate (P33)
  • 13.07.01
    - The Story of Chocolate (P23),(P24),(P25)
    But turning cocoa beans into chocolate paste took a long time and it was very expensive.
    하지만 코코아콩이
    Only rich Europeans had enough money to buy the drink.
    유렵의 부자만 필요한만큼의 돈을 내고 음료를 삿다.
    They would sit around in cafes, sipping hot chocolate and talk about the weather.
    그들은 카페에서 빈둥거리고 있었을거다, 뜨거운 초콜릿을 조금씩 마시고 날씨에대해 이야기를 했다.

    Chapter 4
    Chocolate machines

    It wasn't until inventors came up with the steam engine that things changed.
    상황이 바뀐건 발명가들이 증기기관을 제안한 후였다.
  • 13.07.02
    - The Story of Chocolate (P25), (P26)
    suddenly, lots of goods could be made more easily - including chocolate.
    갑자기, 많은 초콜릿을 더 쉽게 만들수있었다.
    Factories were set up all over Europ and turning cocoa beans into chocolate drinks became big business.
    유럽에 공장을 건설했고 코코아콩이 초콜릿음료로 변하게 되도록하게 많이 열
  • 13.07.03
    - The Story of Chocolate (P26)
    Before long, the drink had stopped being just a handmade treat for the rich.
    얼마후, 부유한사람들이 음료를 손으로만드는것을 바로 멈추고 실행했다.
  • 13.07.04
    - The Story of Chocolate (P26)
    "Hooray! cheap chocolate."
    "만세! 초콜릿이 싸졌어."
    "A cup a day keeps the doctor away!"
    "의사들이 항상 하루에 한컵씩 먹을수있겠다!"
  • 13.07.05
    - The Story of Chocolate (P27)
    In 1847, an English chocolate maker, Francis Fry, decided there could only be one thing better than drinking chocolate...
    1847년에, 잉글랜드에서 Francis Fry가 초콜릿을 만들었다, 확실히 그것에서 유일하게 초콜릿음료 보다 쓴맛이 날것같았다.
  • 13.07.08
    - The Story of Chocolate (P27)
    and that was eating it.
    그리고 그가 그것을 먹었다.
    His problem was how to turn chocolate paste into solid bars.
  • 13.07.09
    - The Story of Chocolate (P28)
    In Holland, Coenraad Van Houten provided half the answer.
    네덜란드 에, Coenraad 밴휴튼이 반을 해결해주었다.
  • 13.07.10
    - The Story of Chocolate (P28)
    He invented a press that separated chocolate paste into brown cocoa powder and yellow cocoa butter.
    그는 초콜릿 반죽 안에있는 갈색 코코아 가루와 노란색 코코아기름을 나누어서 눌렀다
  • 13.07.11
    - The Story of Chocolate (P28)
    Fry noticed that cocoa butter hardened as it cooled.
    프라이는 코코아기름을 차가워진다음에 굳어진다는것을 주목했다.
  • 13.07.12
    - The Story of Chocolate (P28)
    "Maybe I can use that to make solid chocolate," he thought.
    "어쩌면 난 단단한 초콜릿을 만들수있을거야," 그는 생각했다.
  • 13.07.15
    - The Story of Chocolate (P29)
    He stirred warm cocoa butter into his chocolate paste...
    그는 코코아기름을 그의 초콜릿 반죽 안으로 넣고 저으면서 따뜻하게했다...
  • 13.07.16
    - The Story of Chocolate (P29)
    added three scoops of sugar...
    설탕 3숟갈을 추가했다...
  • 13.07.17
    - The Story of Chocolate (P29)
    Poured the mixture into square tubs...
    직사각형의 통에 섞인것을 부었다...
  • 13.07.18
    - The Story of Chocolate (P29),(P30)
    and waited.
    그리고 기다렸다.
    Slowly, it went hard.
    천천히, 그것이 굳어갔다.
    Fry had invented the world's first chocolate bar!
    프라이는 세계에서 첫번째로 초콜릿바를 발명했다!
    In no time, factories were making bars of rich, dark chocolate.
    당장, 공장에서 풍부하게 진갈색 초콜릿바를 만들었다.
    They called it delicious chocolate to eat.
    그들은 초콜릿을먹고 맛있다고 말했다.
    Meanwhile, in Switzerland, there lived a candlemaker named Daniel Peter.
    그동안에, 스위스에서는, Daniel Peter이름의 사람은 양초집에서 살고있었다.
    But candles were going out of fashion and he was losing money.
    하지만 양초는 유행이자났고 그는 돈을벌수없었다.
  • 13.07.19
    - The Story of Chocolate (P31)
    When he fell in love with a chocolate maker's daughter, he had a brilliant idea.
    그는 초콜릿을 만드는 딸을 좋아할때, 그는 훌륭한 생각을 가졌다.
    "I'll make chocolate instead!"
    "내가 초콜릿을 대신 만들어야겠다!"
  • 13.07.22
    - The Story of Chocolate (P31)
    By now, there was lots of competition in the chocolate business.
    이제, 수많은 초콜릿 사업에서 시합을 할것이다.
  • 13.07.23
    - The Story of Chocolate (P31)
    Peter needed to make his bar special.
    피터는 그의 특별한 바를 만들어야 됬다.
  • 13.07.24
    - The Story of Chocolate (P32)
    He tried adding milk, but that made the chocolate too runny.
    그는 우유를 추가하는것을 시도했다, 그러나 그초콜릿 만들으니 묽어졌다.
  • 13.07.25
    - The Story of Chocolate (P32)
    Peter was stuck.
    피터는 어떻게할지몰랐다.
  • 13.07.26
    - The Story of Chocolate (P32)
    Luckily, Henri Nestle lived next door and he knew a lot about food.
    운좋게, Nestle에 Henri가 옆방에 살았고 그는 음식에대해 많이 알게되었다.
    "Are you sure about this?"
    "너는 이것에대해 잘알어?"
  • 13.07.29
    - The Story of Chocolate (P33)
    Nestle earned his living making baby food.
    Nestle에서 그의 아기의 음식을 만들면서 살았었다.
  • 13.07.30
    - The Story of Chocolate (P33)
    He soon found a way to thicken Peter's chocolate mix.
    그는 이내 빨리 피터의 초콜릿을 계속섞어서 걸죽한것을 찾았다.
  • 13.07.31
    - The Story of Chocolate (P33)
    In 1883, Peter won a gold medal for his new, creamy chocolate recipe.
    1883에, 피터는 이겨서 금메달에 그의 새로운 크림 초콜릿 요리법을 얻었다.
    Milk chocolate was a hit.
    우유초콜릿은 인기가좋았다.