일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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The Invisible Man (Page 24)
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The Invisible Man (Page 24)
The Invisible Man (Page 25)
The Invisible Man (Page 28)
The Invisible Man (Page 29)
The Invisible Man (Page 30)
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The Invisible Man (Page 31)
The Invisible Man (Page 32)
The Invisible Man (Page 32)
The Invisible Man (Page 32)
The Invisible Man (Page 33)
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The Invisible Man (Page 34)
The Invisible Man (Page 35)
The Invisible Man (Page 35)
The Invisible Man (Page 36)
The Invisible Man (Page 36)
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The Invisible Man (Page 36)
The Invisible Man (Page 37)
The Invisible Man (Page 38)
The Invisible Man (Page 38)
The Invisible Man (Page 38)
- 13.11.01
- The Invisible Man (Page 24)
- "The stranger!
-"낯선 사람이다!
I went to see him to ask for a donation.
-나는 그에게 기부에 대해 묻고싶어요.
I went into his room and he was sitting in a chair with his hands in his pockets.
-나는 그의 방으로 들어오고 그와 의자에 같이 앉고 그의 손은 주머니에 있을꺼예요.
I asked him, "Are you working on a secret research pro-ject?"
-나는 그에게 물었어요, "당신은 비밀 연구 사업을 일하나요?"
He just snapped at me.
-그는 그냥 나를 향해 딱딱거렸어요.
I've been work-ing on it for years.
-나는 이번 해에 일을 했어요.
My most important notes were written on some sheets of paper.'
-나는 가장 중요한 노트에 일부의 문서가 있어요.'
- 13.11.04
- The Invisible Man (Page 24)
- Then some wind blew and they flew up the chimney.
-그 때 바람이 불고 그들은 굴뚝까지 날아갔어요.
He took his the flying papers.
-그는 그에게 종이 비행에 대해 말했어요.
But there were no hands in his sleeves.
-하지만 거기 그의 소매에는 손이 없었어요.
I asked him, 'Where are your hands?" He got up and came toward me.
-나는 그에게 물었어요, "손이 어디갔나요?" 그는 가짜였고 나를 향해 왔어요.
It was so creepy.
-그 것은 매우 소름끼쳤어요.
He put his face right next to mine.
-그는 그의 오른쪽 얼굴을 나란히 놓았어요.
He lifted his arm up and I could see an empty sleeve coming toward my face.
-그는 그의 손은 들어올리고 나는 빈 소매를 향해 오고 있는 나의 얼굴을 보았어요.
- 13.11.05
- The Invisible Man (Page 25)
- Next thing I knew, it felt like a finger and a thumb had pinched my nose!"
-다음으로 내가 아는건, 그 것은 손가락과 나의 코를 엄지 손으로 꼬집은 것 처럼 느껴졌어요!"
Now the Reverend started laughing.
-지금은 성직자가 웃고 시작해요.
"Have you been drinking, Cuss?" he asked the doctor.
-"당신이 마시고 있나요, Cuss?" 그가 의사에게 물었어요.
"No! No! You must believe me.
-"아뇨! 아뇨! 당신은 나를 믿어야해요.
I even swung my arm to hit his empty sleeve.
-나는 나의 팔을 때리고 소매를 없앴어요.
It felt like I was hitting an arm.
-그 것은 나의 팔이 맞는 것 같이 느껴졌어요.
I'm telling you the truth!
-나는 당신에게 사실을 말할 수 있어요!
He was just like a ghost!"
-그는 그냥 유령일뿐이예요!"
- 13.11.06
- The Invisible Man (Page 28)
A Puzzling Robbery
-수수께끼 강도
About a month passed when one morning in May, Mrs.Bunting heard noises out-side her bedroom window.
-한달이 지난 5월의 어느 아침, Mrs.Bunting 은 그녀의 방의 창문에서 시끄러운 소리를 들었어요.
"Wake up! Wake up!" she whispered to her sleeping husband, the Reverend.
-"일어나요! 일어나요!" 그녀가 졸린 그녀의 남편인 성직자에게 속삭였어요.
"Someone's in the house!"
-"누군가의 집이예요!"
He got up, took a poker from the fireplace and crept out into the hallway.
-그는 일어났고, 벽난로에서 포커가 나오고 후에 섬뜩하게 복도로 걸어나온 것을 데려왔어요.
He heard the sound of sneezing downstairs.
-그는 아래층에서 재체기 하는 소리를 들었어요.
The Reverend and Mrs.Bunting slowly made their was down the stairs.
-성직자와 Mrs.Bunting 은 계단을 내려가면서 그들은 천천히 만들었어요.
They heard the sound of paper rustling in the study.
-그들은 연구 하는 동안 부스럭 거리는 소리가 들렸어요.
- 13.11.07
- The Invisible Man (Page 29)
- They came to the door and peered in.
-그들은 문을 열고 슬쩍 안으로 들어왔어요.
What should have been a dark room was now lit by a candle.
-지금 어두운 방은 촛불에 의해 밝게 될거예요.
In the light, they could see that one of the drawers had been opened, but there was no sign of a burglar in the room.
Suddenly, there was a sound.
-갑자기, 거기에 소리가 들렸어요.
Clink! Clink!
-땡! 땡!
"He has found our money," Mrs.Bunting whis-pered.
-"그는 우리의 돈을 발견했어요," Mrs.Bunting 이 속삭였어요.
"It's more than two thousands pounds!"
-"그 것은 두개의 수천의 파운드였어!"
- 13.11.08
- The Invisible Man (Page 30)
- The Reverend was very angry now.
-성직자는 지금 매우 화났어요.
He rushed in and yelled, "I've caught you! Surrender your-self!"
-그는 돌진하여 소리쳤어요, "나는 잡혔어요! 당신 스스로에게 항복했어요!"
Mrs.Bunting rushed in behind her husband
-Mrs.Bunting 은 그녀의 남편 뒤에서 재촉하였어요.
Both of them were completely dumb-founded.
-둘다 그들은 놀라서 그저 어안이 벙벙하였어요.
"But the room is empty," the Reverend cried.
-"하지만 방은 비웠어요," 성직자가 말하였어요.
"Listen!" exclaimed his wife.
-"들어요!" 그의 부인이 외쳤어요.
"There is someone here. I can hear breathing."
-"거기의 이곳에는 누군가가 있어. 나는 호흡을 들을 수 있어."
- 13.11.11
- The Invisible Man (Page 31)
- They searched the room but could find no one.
-그들은 방에서 찾았지만 아무도 찾을 수 없었어요.
"Someone was definitely here.
-"누군가가 여기에 분명히 있어.
The lamp is lit, and our money is gone."
-전등을 밝히고, 우리의 돈은 사라졌어요."
The sound of someone sneezing came from the hall, and the Buntings ran out to see who was there.
-소리는 홀에서 누군가 재채기를 하는 소리였고, Buntings 은 누군가 밖으로 달려 나가는 것을 봤어요.
They rushed into the hallway only to hear the kitchen door slam.
-그들은 서둘러 복도로 들어가고 부엌문이 쾅 하는 소리를 들었어요.
They ran and flung it open but saw no one.
-그들은 달리고 그 것을 열어 던졌지만 아무도 본 사람이 없었어요.
It was not long after the burglary when the Halls got up and found that the front door of their inn was unlocked.
-그 것은 얼마되지 않아 강도죄로 홀에서 일어나고 그 것을 문 앞에서 그들이 열었어요.
- 13.11.12
- The Invisible Man (Page 32)
- "I know I locked the door last night," said Mrs.Hall.
-"나는 알고있어 지난 밤 문이 잠겨 있었어요," Mrs.Hall 이 말하였어요.
"Who else would do this?" said Mr.Hall pointing to the strange man's room.
-"누가 이런짓을 했을까요?" Mr.Hall 이 말하고 낯선 사람 방을 가르켰어요.
They went up to the man's room.
-그들은 남자의 방으로 올라갔어요.
They knocked on the door but there was no reply.
-그들은 문을 두드렸지만 거기에는 대답이 없었어요.
"Let's go in," said Mrs.Hall.
-"안으로 들어가요," Mrs.Hall 이 말하였어요.
They opened the door and when they entered, they saw no one in the room.
-그들은 문을 열고 들어갔어요, 그들은 방에서 아무도 보지 못했어요.
- 13.11.13
- The Invisible Man (Page 32)
- "It's empty but all of his clothes are here.
-"그 것은 없어졌어요 하지만 모든 그의 옷이 여기에 있어요.
And look at all of these bandages," com-mented Mrs.Hall.
-그리고 모든 밴드가 보여요," Mrs.Hall 이 말하였어요.
"His bed is cold.
-"그는 감기로 침대에 있어요.
That means he's been up for a while,"
-그 것은 그가 아마도 당분간 방법을 생각한다는 것이예요.
At that moment, the strangest thing occurred.
-그 순간에, 이상한 일이 일어났어요.
- 13.11.14
- The Invisible Man (Page 32)
- All of the sheets bundled themselves up together and then jumped over the bed.
-모든 시트를 그 때 침대 위로 뛰어들었어요.
Then, the stranger's hat flew through the air and hit Mrs.Hall in the face.
-그 때, 낯선 사람의 모자는 날았고 공기 그리고 Mrs.Hall 의 얼굴을 때렸어요.
There was a terrible sound of a wicked laugh.
-거기에서 끔찍한 소리인 심술 궂은 웃음소리가 들렸어요.
Next, they saw an armchair mov-ing through the air toward them.
-다음, 그들은 안락의자가 움직이는 것을 보고 그들을 통하여 공기가 갔어요.
- 13.11.15
- The Invisible Man (Page 33)
- Mrs.Hall screamed and felt herself being pushed out of the room with her husband in front of her.
-Mrs.Hall 은 소리치고 그녀 자신 스스로 밀어나는 것을 느꼈고 방에는 그녀와 그녀의 남편이 그녀 앞에 있었어요.
Then, the door slammed shut and the bolt locked.
-그 때, 문을 닫고 잠궈서 도망갔어요.
Mrs.Hall said to her husband, "He deals with the devil.
-Mrs.Hall 은 그녀의 남편에게 말하였어요, "그는 악마와 거래를 해요.
He has evil spirits in there."
-그는 거기에 사악한 마음을 가지고 있을꺼예요."
"There has to be another explanation," said her husband.
-"거기에는 다른 설명이 있어요," 그녀의 남편이 말했어요.
- 13.11.18
- The Invisible Man (Page 34)
- "I want him out of my inn.
-"나는 그가 나의 주막을 나가길 바래요.
He's put evil spirits in the furniture," said Mrs.Hall.
-그는 악령을 가구에 넣었을꺼예요," Mrs.Hall 이 말하였어요.
Suddenly, they heard a noise at the top of the stairs.
-깁자기, 그들은 계단 위에서 시끄러운 소리를 들었어요.
"Stay out of my room.
-"나의 방에 상관하지마요.
You have no right to go in there," the stranger shouted at them.
-당신의 거기를 가면 오른쪽이 없을꺼예요," 낯선 사람이 그들에게 외쳤어요.
Now the Hall stared at each other.
-지금 홀에서 서로를 쳐다봤어요.
"How it that possible?
-"어떻게 그 것이 가능하죠?
We were just there.
-우리는 거기에 그냥 있었어요.
He wasn't.
-그는 아니였어요.
How could he...?"
-어떻게 그는 할 수 있죠...?"
Mrs.Hall gasped.
-Mrs.Hall 은 헐떡거렸어요.
- 13.11.19
- The Invisible Man (Page 35)
- But for the rest of the morning, they did not see him.
-하지만 아침에 쉬던 중, 그들은 그를 보지 못했어요.
In fact, they even ignored the bell when he rang.
-실제로, 그들은 그가 종을 울릴 때 도 무시하였어요.
By noon, everyone had heard about the burglary at the Buntings' house.
-정오까지, 어느 것이나 Buntings 의 집의 강도에 대해 들었어요.
All the regulars were at the bar, gossiping about the robbery.
-단골집에 모두 있었고, 강도에 대한 소문을 말하였어요.
It was quite noisy when the conversation suddenly halted.
-그 것은 꽤 시끄러웠고 그 때 갑자기 대화가 중단 되었어요.
- 13.11.20
- The Invisible Man (Page 35)
- The stranger had entered the bar and demanded, "Why didn't you answer the bell?"
-낯선 사람은 바로 들어오고 요구했어요, "왜 종에 대답을 하지 않았어요?"
"You haven't paid your bill.
-"당신은 지폐를 지불하지 않았어.
No money, so no food or room," Mrs.Hall replied angrily.
-돈이 없어요, 그래서 방에 음식을 주지 마요," Mrs.Hall 이 화가나고 대답하였어요.
"I told you I would give it to you in a few days.
Here it is now."
"Well, that's interesting.
How did you get it?
And you have to explain what you did to my fur-niture and how you got in your room without coming through the door," she demanded.
- 13.11.21
- The Invisible Man (Page 36)
- This made the man very angry.
"Stop this!
You have no idea about me," he shouted.
"Very well then, I'll show you."
The man put his hand to his face.
He put a small rubbery thing in her hand.
- 13.11.22
- The Invisible Man (Page 36)
- "Look! It's his nose.
He has a hole in his face," everyone screamed.
Then the man tore off his glasses and everything on his face.
Suddenly, the man dressed in a long coat had no head.
Everyone became hysterical and ran out of the inn.
No one had been prepared to see such a thing.
- 13.11.25
- The Invisible Man (Page 36)
- Mrs.Hall said, "He is an evil spirit."
-Mrs.Hall 이 말하였어요, "그는 악령이다."
A policeman who had heard all the commotion came and asked, "What on earth is going on here?"
"A headless man is inside the inn," Mr.Hall told him.
"Very well," siad the policeman.
"I will go and arrest him."
- 13.11.26
- The Invisible Man (Page 37)
- Mr.Hall and the policeman went into the inn.
The innkeeper pointed at a headless body and said, "There he is."
The stranger now asked angrily, "What do you think you are doing?"
- 13.11.27
- The Invisible Man (Page 38)
- The policeman said, "I must arrest you."
"Keep away from me," the stranger cautioned.
The policeman moved toward the stranger.
The stranger now removed one of his gloves and hit the policeman with his first.
- 13.11.28
- The Invisible Man (Page 38)
- "Grab his legs," shouted the policeman.
Mr.Hall tried to grab his legs but the stranger hit him hard.
The policeman finally managed to push the stranger to the ground.
"I give up," said the stranger.
He stood up and quickly started to remove his clothes.
The two men saw a clothed body bending over to remove shoes that had no feet.
- 13.11.29
- The Invisible Man (Page 38)
- Mr.Hall exclaimed, "That's not a man.
There's nothing inside the shirt."
He put his hand out to see if he could touch the man, but then there was a loud shriek, "OWWW!
That's my eye.
I am a man.
I'm just invisible.
But that doesn't give you the right to arrest or poke me in the eye."