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Stories of Pirates
Stories of Piratwtes
Stories of Piratwtes
Stories of Piratwtes
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Stories of Piratwtes
Stories of Piratwtes
Stories of Piratwtes
Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
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Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
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Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
Stories of Pirates
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Stories of Pirates
  • 13.04.01
    - pirates
    Charlie had never seen such a pretty parrot and he was amazed it was so cheap.
    찰리는결코앵무새를 싼 가격으로사다
  • 13.04.02
    - Stories of Pirates
    Now he had his parrot,
    앵무새를 가졌다
    Charlie wasted no time in setting off on his hunt for treasure.
  • 13.04.03
    - Stories of Piratwtes
    Out at sea,Charlie spotted a ship called tne fat flounder.
    찰리는 점무늬가있는 배를 보고 허둥대다.
    He knew it be longed to a rich sailor called Captain Silverside.
  • 13.04.04
    - Stories of Piratwtes
    Cnarlie waited until the sailors had gone to lunch.
    찰리는 뱃사람이올때까지 기다리다
    Then he rowed across to the ship and sneaked in through an open window.
  • 13.04.05
    - Stories of Piratwtes
    Charlie was in luck.
    찰리 운이좋아다.
    He d climbed ihto the cabin where tne captain kept nis treasure.
    선실에 올라가서 보물이 어디이는지 살퍼본다
    But ne had only just degun to stuff his pockets
  • 13.04.08
    - Stories of Piratwtes
    Sssh! Charlie hissed at his parrot But it was too late.
    찰리의 앵무새가 쉬익 하는 소리를 내다.
    Charlie took look at Captain Silverside and ran.
  • 13.04.09
    - Stories of Piratwtes
    The captain and his men chased Chsrlie around the deck six times defore the poor pirate escaped to his boat.
    찰리는 해적들한테들커 도망가 주변에 있는 보트를타다
    As he rowed back to his ship,
  • 13.04.10
    - Stories of Piratwtes
    Charlie turned to his parrot with a face llike thunder.
    찰리는 앵무새한테 화를내다
    But every time they went to sea, the parrot caused trouble.
  • 13.04.11
    - Stories of Pirates
    Each time,Charlie only ust managed to escape
    찰리는 유일한곳을 달아나다
    Soon,he was a nervous wreck.
  • 13.04.12
    - Stories of Pirates
    ...it always found its way back to Charlie's shoulder.
    찰리는 늘 어깨에 있는 그것을 벼렸다.
    As Charlie was eating his supper ohe evening,ne wondered what he could do.
    찰리는 저녁때 밥을 먹으러고 식당에 갔다.
    He had never felt so miserable.
    불쌍하게 결코 해적을 되지 못했다.
    Thanks to that pesky parrot he was a useless, practically penniless pirate,
  • 13.04.15
    - Stories of Pirates
    Charlie's long the other customers lose their the appetites.
    찰리는 가계주인이랑 긴 이야기를 계속하고있다.
    They landlord tried tried to cheer him up.
    주인는 그사람에게 격렬를하고있다.
    They were so busy talking,neither of them spotted a thief creeping up to
    the landlord's cash box.
  • 13.04.16
    - Stories of Pirates
    The thief was just about to swipe all the money,
    도둑이 돈을 훔쳐 달아날려고 하자
    when Charlie's parrot squawked into action.
    찰리의 앵무새가 활동을하다.
    What a wonderful bird!
    새가 훌륭한 일를 하다
  • 13.04.17
    - Stories of Pirates
    That thief nearly got away with my cash.
    도둑이 현금을 거의 떨어뜨러서
  • 13.04.18
    - Stories of Pirates
    This gave Charlie an idea.
    찰리는이것을 생각하다.
    perhaps he could puld put his parrot to good use after all.
    아마 앵무새는 친절한게 사용해야한다.
    The landlord paid Charlie handsomely for his new burglar alarm...
    집주인과찰리는 그것이 도둑을 잡는게 놀라다
  • 13.04.19
    - Stories of Pirates
    the parrot enjoyed its new job...
    앵무새는 즐기고 있다
    ...and Charlie had enough money to buy another bird- aquirt one thie time.
  • 13.04.22
    - Stories of Pirates
    Chapter 2
    Captain Spike
    Macintosh Mullet was a poor fisherman.
    가난한 어부가 살고 있다
  • 13.04.23
    - Stories of Pirates
    He lived on tiny Mullet Island with only his daughter,Molly, for company.
  • 13.04.24
    - Stories of Pirates
    One winter, the weather was so bad that Macintosh didn't catch a single fish.
  • 13.04.25
    - Stories of Pirates
    so,molly put her father's telecope, her best blue vase and a chihe cat into a wooden chest and set off fhr the mainland.
  • 13.04.26
    - Stories of Pirates
    Molly had been rowing for ten minutes when she was spotted by Captain Spike and in a flash of pirates.
    긴 못의 선장과 그의 해적들이 그녀를 잡는다.
  • 13.04.29
    - Stories of Pirates
    In a flash, they dragged her and the chest on board.
    해적들과 그의 선장은 그녀의 보물상자를 뺏기다
    The mean captain tried everyting to make Molly talk...
    해적들은 그녀에게 시험필를 할 작정이다
    ...but she wouldn't give him the key.
    그는은 그녀에게 감자를 주다
    "Then I'll smash the chesk open!"