일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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Gulliver's Travels
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Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
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Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
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Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
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Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
- 13.11.01
- Gulliver's Travels
- What were they goingto do next?
그들은 그 다음에 무언가를 시키다
He soon found out.
곧 창조할것이다
They stopped firing arrows and built a ladder beside him.
그들은 멈추다 그리고 발포를하고 무언가랑 비교하다
- 13.11.04
- Gulliver's Travels
- Then an important-looking man climbed up and shouted in his ear.
그다음엔 그 인간을 올라가서 귀에서 큰 소리를 내다.
But Gulliver didn't understand a word.
한 마디 이야기한것을 이해하다.
He was hungry,too,sohe pointed to his mouth.
- 13.11.05
- Gulliver's Travels
- The man must have understood him because a crowd appeared, carrying huge amounts of very small food.
작은 군중이 나타다서 거대한 남자에게 식냥을 주다
Gulliver gobbled it all.
음식을 먹다
Then they brought barrels df wine which Gulliver gulped down thirstily.
그때 그들은 목마른 그에게 포도주 통을 갔다 주다
The people gave each other siy smiles
국민들은 그에게 미소를 짖었다
- 13.11.06
- Gulliver's Travels
- Unknown to Gulliver, they had put something in the wine.
알려지지 않은 걸리버,그들은 포도주 위에 무언가를 올려놓았다.
In seconds, he fell into a deep sleep.
두번째,그가 깊은 잠안으로 빠졌다.
The people set to work.
사람들의 일자리를 두다
Five hundred tiny carpenters built a wooden cart, and dragged Gulliver onto it.
- 13.11.07
- Gulliver's Travels
- Then he was pulled away.
그위에서 열매가 떨어지다
Gulliver woke up outside a magnicent temple.
바깥쪽에는 신전같은게 있다.
He was in the country's capital city, Milando.
나라의 중심에 있는 도시에 가다
Brut Gulliver, who still couldn't understand them, was very confused.
그가 도시에 오자 그들은 소리없이 당황 하였다
To make thigs worse, he was chained to the temple.
신전에서 사슬를 만들어내디
As he stood there, crowds gathered to stare at him.
군중들이 점차 늘어났고, 그를 바라보았다.
- 13.11.08
- Gulliver's Travels
- Gulliver was just as amazed.
- 13.11.11
- Gulliver's Travels
- Chapter2
The emperor
그는 황제다
As soon as the emperor of the land heard about the giant man, he came to see Gulliver.
곧 황제는 그 거인을 만난다,그리고 황제는 그 인간을 바라보다
But they couldn't uhderstand. each other either.
마을사람들은 각장의 일을 하다
"I need to think about this," said the emperor.
- 13.11.12
- Gulliver's Travels
- Leaving his soldiers to guard Gulliver, he strode off.
군인이 그를 둔 채 잊었다
Everyone wanted a cioser look at the giant.
모든사람들이 거인을 바라보다
But some men fired more arrows at him.
많은 사람들이 모이다
"Stop that!" cried the soldiers, seizing the men.
군인이 멈추다,그리고 소리를 지르다
"Here!" cried the soldiers, seizohg the men.
군인이 여기서 소리를 지르다
"Let's give them to the giant to punish."
- 13.11.13
- Gulliver's Travels
- Everyone wanted a cioser look at the giaht.
모든 사람들이 거인을 바라보다.
But some men fired more arrows at him.
더 많은 사람들이 몰려와 화제가 되었다
"Stop that!" cried the soldiers, seizing the men.
군인은 소리를 멈추었다.
"Here!" one shouted.
여기서 외치다
"Let's give them to the giant to punish."
그들은 거인에게 벌를 주다
Gulliver picked up one of the troublemakers and opened his mouth.
- 13.11.14
- Gulliver's Travels
- The little man wriggled and howled with terror.
남자는 윙윙거리고 공포심때문에 떨린다
He was sure he was going to be eaten.
- 13.11.15
- Gulliver's Travels
- Meanwhile, the emperor was thinking hard.
황제는 곤란한 생각을 하다
What shouid he do about Gulliver?
그가 무엇을 필요하는지 생각하다
He decided to ask his advisors.
활실하게 그에게 묻는다
"Anything that big MUST be dangerous," said one.
크고 위험한 무언가가 있다.
But, as they were talking, two men arrived.
- 13.11.18
- Gulliver's Travels
- They were full of news about the men who had fired arrows at Gulliver.
걸리버의 가득한 화재 뉴스를 기억하다
The emperor was delighted.
아주 기뻐버린 황제.
"Let'skeep him," he said.
그가 그의 시키다.
- 13.11.19
- Gulliver's Travels
- "Give him plenty of food, and teaxh him our language."
그들이 기쁨,식량,언어를 주다.
Soon, Gulliver had everything he needed.
곧 걸리버는 모든것이 필요했다.
But he was stll held in the tempie, like a prisoner.
- 13.11.20
- Gulliver's Travels
- Chapter3
Gulliver learned the people,s language as quickly as he could.
걸리버는 사람들에게 언어를 빠르게 배우고 있다
Then he asked to see the emperor.
그당음엔 황제를 만나보다
"Please set ne free,' he pleaded.
자유롭게 이유를말하다그래서 기쁘다
- 13.11.21
- Gulliver's Travels
- The emperor wasn't sure.
황제가 틀림없다
"You'll have to wait," he said
그가올때까지 기달린다
And he sent his men to search Gulliver's pockets.
그들은 걸리버의 포켓을 찾았다.
They found his handkerchief...
그들은 그의 손수건을 찾다
his snuff box...
그의상자를 코로 들이쉬다
his notebook...
그의 노트
his comb...
그의 빗
his watch...
그의 시계
ahd a bag of coins.
자루에 경화가 있다
The oniy dangerous thing they found his aun.
그들은 그의것을 위험한 물건이라 생각함
But they didn't know what it was.
- 13.11.22
- Gulliver's Travels
- The emperor wasn't satisfied.
황제를 만족함
He sent a message to Gulliver.
걸리버에 전하는 말
"Do you have any weapons? Show us!" he demanded.
당신의 무기를 우리들에게 보여달라고 요구를하다
"Don't worry," Gulliver said.
걸리버는 걱정을 하다
He handed his sword and gun to the guards and the emperor relaxed.
그의 칼과 대포는 황제를 경호하는 것이라 생각함
- 13.11.25
- Gulliver's Travels
- But he still didn't set Gulliver free.
자유로운 걸리버는 아무 소리도 내지 않았다
Gulliver just had to wait.
걸리버는 올바르게 기다리다
To pass the time, he learned more about the country, which was called Lilliput.
더 많은 학문이 있는 소인국을 지나가다.
It had some very strange customs.
이상한 풍습을 가지고있는 국가
Ohe was the game df "Leaping and Creeping".
뛰어넘는 놀이를 즐겨 한다.
- 13.11.26
- Gulliver's Travels
- Even important hobies played it.
- 13.11.27
- Gulliver's Travels
- They had to leap over a stick dr creep under one.
그들은 막대기 같은데를 뛰어서 놀았다
The winners won prizes.
수상자의원 상품이다
To work for the emperor, peopie had to the best acrobats.
황제가 사람들에게 일자리를 주다
Gulliver thought this custom custom was very odd, but he didn't show it.
걸리버는 생각하다 저 풍습을 이상하게 보인다고 생각하다
If he was friendly, they might trust him and let him go.
친한사람들끼리 신뢰를 하면서 시키다
Every day, Gulliver begged to be allowed to leave the temple.
- 13.11.28
- Gulliver's Travels
- Finally, the emperor agreed.
황제가 최종적으로 약속하다
"Let him go." he deciared.
그를 시키고 나서 가다
"the giant may walk where he likes.
5월에 거인은 걸어가고 있다
But he must ask first.
첫번째로 질문을 하다
And he must stay on the main roads!"
한동안 여기서 머무르다
"I will!" Gulliver promised.
걸리버는 약속을하다
Free at last, Gulliver set dff to explore the city.
자유로운 걸리버는 도시를 탐험을한다
All the people stayed indoors, to avoid his enormous feet.
사람들은 실내에서 머무르다 그의 거대한 몸을 보고 도망간다
Gulliver thought he'd visit the paiace,but the gate was too small and the walls were too tall.