일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,38~39
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,40
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,40~41
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,41
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,41
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,41
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,42
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,42
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,42
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
29 | 30 | |||||
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
- 13.09.02
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,38~39
- with loud crunching, he began to gobble them up.
어디서 부서지는 소리가났다. 그가 달려들기 시작했다.
The crocodile's eyes snapped open.
악어는 입을 열고 덥석물다.
"Get away from those leaves!"he roared.
"그것들은 떨러져서 잎을 얻어!" 그가 으르렁거리다.
And he snapped at the rabbit with his enormous jaws.
그리고 그는 토끼를 거대한 턱으로 덥석물려한다.
- 13.09.03
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,40
- The little rabbit ran and ran.
작은 토끼는 달리고 달렸다.
He didn't stop until he reached his burrow.
그가 집까지 도착하여 멈추다.
"The crocodile nearly ate me!" he told his mother.
"악어는 거의 나를 억으려 했어!"그가 그의 어머니에게 말하다.
- 13.09.04
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,40~41
- "But I didn't do anything wrong."
"하지만 나는 아무것고 잘못한게 없어."
His mother was very angry.
그의 어머니는 매우 화가났다.
- 13.09.05
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,41
- "It's time that crocodile was taught a lesson," she said firmly.
"이 시간에는 악어에 대한 수업을 할거야,"그녀가 단호하게 말하다.
- 13.09.06
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,41
- "He's grumpy and lazy and it just won't do."
"그는 까다롭다 그리고 게으르다 그리고 올바르다."
- 13.09.09
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,41
- Gathering the other rabbits together, she told them she had a plan.
토끼들은 함께 모임을하고,그녀는 그들에게 계획을 말하다.
- 13.09.10
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,42
- The next day,the raddits went into woods.
다음날,토끼들은 나무목재가 있는곳으로가다.
- 13.09.11
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,42
- They collected branches, twigs and leaves and stuffed them into a sack.
그들이 가지를 모으다,저물녘에 잎 글리고 재료들을 자루에 담다.
- 13.09.12
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,42
- "That's enough!"said the rabbit's mother and thay went off to find the crocodile.토끼의 어미니가 말하다.저기에 충분히있어! 그리고 악어르 찾아가자.
- 13.09.13
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
- That didn't have to look far.
저것을 멀리서 바라보다.
- 13.09.14
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
- 13.09.16
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
- He was by the riverbank,asleep as usual.
그가 강뚝에,평소처럼 잠들어있다.
- 13.09.17
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,43
- Sneaking up, they made a big circle of twigs,leaves and branches around the crocodile.은밀하게,큰 악어에게 만들어진,잎과 가지를 악어 주위에다 뿌리다
- 13.09.18~13.09.20
- 추석연휴
- 13.09.18
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
- Then the mother rabbit set light to the circle.
그떄 엄마 토끼는 원처럼두고 불을 컸다.
- 13.09.19
- 추석
- 13.09.19
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
- The fire crackled and spat and amoke billowed up.
불이딱딱거리다 그리고 파도가있다.
- 13.09.20
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
- The crocodile woke with a jump.
악어는 잠에서 깨어나 점프하다
- 13.09.23
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,44
- When he saw the fire, he bellowed in fear.
그때 그는 불에서 톱질하듯이움직이다.그는 두려움에 울부짓다.
- 13.09.24
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
- The fire was licking at his scales.
불이 그의 눈을 핥다.
- 13.09.25
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
- Taking a flying leap he jumped right over the flames...
날아다니는 것 처럼 뛰어디니다 그는 불길이 타올라 점프하다...
- 13.09.26
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
- ...and disappeared into the river with a splash.
...그리고 강가에서 튀기는 소리가 들리며 사라지다
- 13.09.27
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
- When the crocodile heard the rabbits laughing was very annoyed.
언제 토끼들은 웃으며 매우악어를 괴롭히다.
- 13.09.30
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,45
- He shouted at them form the river.
그가 그들에게 강에서 튼소리로 말하다.
"Keep off our land then!"
"난 우리의 영역을 지킬거야!"