일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | ||||
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,32
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,32
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,32
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,36
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,36
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,37
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,37
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,38
The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,38
- 13.08.01
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,32
- By the end of the day, the barrel was empty
마지막날,통은 비어있었다.
- 13.08.02
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,32
- The other animals ware astonished.
다른 동물들은 놀랬다.
- 13.08.03
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,32
- "now I shall meet my bride," said Telinga proudly.
"지금 나는 나의 신부를 만나로 갈거야"거만하게 말하다.
- 13.08.04
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
- The monkey stood before the old gorilla.
원숭이는 일어서서 나이먹은 고릴라 한테 다가갔다.
- 13.08.05
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
- "well done," said Naresh.
" 잘했어" 나래쉬가 말하다.
- 13.08.06
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
- "You have completed the task.
당신은 환벽하게 임무를 끝냈어.
- 13.08.07
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
- You may marry my daughter."
당신은 나의 딸과 결혼 할수있어."
- 13.08.08
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,33
- But his daughter didn't look too pleased
하지만 그의 딸은 바라보다 기뻐하지안았다.
- 13.08.09
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
- Suddenly, the giraffe gave a shout.
갑자기,기린이 큰소리를 내며 전하다.
- 13.08.12
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
- He had seen something interesting.
그가 무언가 흥미가 있는걸 발견하다.
- 13.08.13
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
- "Hey!"he cried
그가 소리치다 "이봐!"
- 13.08.14
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
- "There's a whole tribe of monkeys hiding in the bushes!"
"원숭이 부족이 전부 덤풀에숨어 있었어"
- 13.08.15
- 광복절
- 13.08.15
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
- "Telinga cheated!" roared the animals.
"텔링가를 속였어!" 동물들은 으르렁거리다.
- 13.08.16
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,34
- "His friends have helped him"
"그의 친구들은 그를 도와준것 뿐이야"
- 13.08.19
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
- The monkeys didn't wait to hear eay more.
원숭이는 많은걸 기다리며 듣다.
- 13.08.20
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
- They ran off, leaping into the trees to be out of reach.
그들은 뛰다.깡충깡충가며 나무아래에 도착하다.
- 13.08.21
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
- monkeys have lived up in trees ever since.
원숭이는 나무 위에서 살며 일찍이 죄악하다.
- 13.08.22
- Animal Lagends Why monkeys live in trees(P,35
- They're much too scared to come down.
그들은 위협을 하며 다가오다.
- 13.08.23
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,36
- There was once a time when crocodiles lived on land, not in the water.
저기 그사간 악어는 육지에 살다,아니 물에
- 13.08.26
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,36
- One grunpy old crocodile lived near a river and lazed in the sun all day.
한번 투덜대며 늙은 악어는 자기가 사는 강가로 가다 그리고 햇빛이 비추는날이다.
- 13.08.27
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,37
- One day, a baby rabbit hopped past, looking for some tasty leaves.
하루,토끼는 아기가 없어져 뒤어다니다,재미있는 잎을보다.
- 13.08.28
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,37
- "Hello!"he called and woke up the crocodile the crocodile.
"안녕!"그가 부르다 그리고 악어는 잠에서 꺠어나다.
was furious.
사납게 몰아치다.
- 13.08.29
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,38
- As the crocodile shut his eyes again, the rabbit hopped closer.
악어는 그의 눈을 다시,토끼 뛰가 닫히다.
- 13.08.30
- The rabbits and the crocodlie(P,38
- He had spotted a bunch of fresh green leaves, just by the crocodile's nose.그가 새로운녹색반점잎을찾다, 악어의코는올바르다.